Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Neocatecumenal Mass


In January 2015, I, Father Joseph Dwight, posted (; and sent the following two emails to over 100 people in the Neocatecumenal Way for whom I had tried to help for about ten years here in Italy, from 2005 to 2015.

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First email of January 2015:

We have been duped, manipulated and brainwashed with the greatest sophistication of mental manipulation in the history of the world. Thus many are ignorant and innocent of what they have been led into. But when they are confronted with at least one person who succeeded in pulling himself/herself out of the very strong current, a person who left the stampeding herd, toward the cult of man instead of the cult of God, toward the beautiful but empty lies of “the father of lies” (Jn 8:44), instead of going toward “the way, and the truth, and the life” (Jn 14:6), they are then before a fundamental choice, to seek the Truth outside of their own heads, or to take the much easier way of continuing what they have slid into which is what just about everyone around them is doing, to be “politically correct”, which does not lead to the absolute and saving Truth Who is Jesus Christ. Many also have let their hearts become attached to certain things not of God, including glory before men especially in the Church, and have push aside the inspirations and graces of God with many small compromises which are always accompanied by more and more blindness to the real situation from God’s perfect point of view.

It is interesting that years ago there was a psychological study done in which a high school teacher told everyone to raise their right hand, but in the classroom of 30 students there were 29 who were told beforehand to raise their left hand. The one who did not know about this began to raise his right hand but when they saw the 29 who raised their left hand, decided to raise his left hand. Then one of the 29 put his hand down and raised his right hand. When the one alone saw this, he decided to raise his right hand also. After many similar tests, the results were very conclusive that when just one person has the courage to follow what is right, it gives great courage for others who have been intimidated by the mass mob stampeding away from the uncomfortable, but saving Truth which is accompanied by the cross of Christ.

Somehow I believe that God has given me the grace during my life to seek the inconvenient Truth outside of my head and to be willing to take the risk to stand up even when I was very often totally alone in what I had discovered and what I had to do. I received a lot of this part of my character from my Dad, but when I realized that my Dad had slid down the wrong direction, God gave me the grace to follow the Truth even though I suffered greatly by being rejected by my parents. Visit:;

I have been in the Church all my life and thus needless to say I have suffered the most from my spouse, the Church. I have been betrayed and abandoned by priests, loosing my community or parish or friends; twice I suffered a difficult depression after such experiences. These experiences offered me many opportunities to struggle for the Truth which gives true freedom. Visit:The Great Responsibility Of Religious Leaders” (

Each time we suffer in these difficult situations, and we persevere in praying and not abandoning God after His pruning (Jn 15:2; Prov 3:12; Heb 12:5-6), our hearts are enlarged and we are more and more free of ourselves and of our hidden egoisms so as to have more room in our hearts for God and His graces. This is the experience of all of the saints.

Very recently (a few days ago) I realized that God was asking me to make another painful cut in my life. This is also the reason why this edition of my “Spiritual Food” is a little late this month. To describe this well for you, I will now offer you the email that I sent, only a few days ago, to over 100 members of the Neocatecumenal Way here in Italy.

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The following is the email I sent to over 100 members of the Neocatecumenal Way here in Italy on January 19, 2015:

Dear brothers and sisters of the Neocatecumenal communities,

I have been helping out with the Holy Masses and the Penitential celebrations with you for almost 10 years. I had mentioned to you a few times that I knew that your statutes had been approved a few years ago, but the way in which you celebrated the Holy Mass was not yet approved and that Pope Benedict had formed a commission to examine the Holy Mass celebrated in the small groups Saturday evening among the members of the Neocatecumenal Way. I believed up to only a few days ago that this commission had not finished their work before Pope Benedict had left the papacy. A few days ago I discovered that instead the commission had finished their work and the three founders of the Neocatecumenal Way - Kiko Argüello, Carmen Hernandez and Father Mario Pezzi – had received a letter on December 1, 2005 written by Cardinal Arinze, the prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Liturgy with a list of “decisions of the Holy Father” to which they were to obey.

I discovered that Kiko Argüello, Carmen Hernandez and Father Mario Pezzi did not obey the letter sent by Cardinal Francis Arinze. I was about to offer my decision that I must obey the “decisions of the Holy Father” Saturday evening at the Masses I celebrated for two groups, January 17, 2015, when a catechist, for more than 20 years, told me that after the letter of Arinze, the Neocatecumenal Mass was approved by Pope Benedict. And so I did not offer my decision in my printed letter Saturday evening (attached).

When I tried to find this approbation of the Holy Father on the Internet, I discovered that what had happened was that the pontifical council for the laity headed by Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko had prepared the text for a decree of blanket approval of all the liturgical and extra-liturgical celebrations of the Neocatechumenal Way, to be made public January 20, 2012 on the occasion of a meeting scheduled between the Pope and the Way. The decree was redacted according to the guidelines of the congregation for divine worship, headed by Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera. The founders and leaders of the Way, Francisco "Kiko" Argüello and Carmen Hernández, were told about it and joyfully told their followers about the imminent approval. All unbeknownst to the Pope.

Benedict XVI found out about the text of the decree a few days before the meeting on January 20. He found it illogical and mistaken. He ordered that it be scrapped and rewritten according to his guidelines.

In the “Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the Community of the Neocatechumenal Way”, January 20, 2012, Pope Benedict gave a genuine lecture – almost an ultimatum – that the celebrations in the small communities must be “regulated by the liturgical books that must be faithfully followed”, as he had ordered already in the letter of Cardinal Arinze more than 6 years earlier.

Thus, I ask you to read my decision in my letter (attached) which I had intended to give last Saturday, January 17, 2015, but instead I offer now after having discovered that the neocatecumenal Mass had not been approved. Toward the end of this letter I offered “a proposal, my idea”.

Dear brothers and sisters, “The Truth will make you free!” (Jn 8:32), non only in this short life, but for all eternity!

Father Joseph Dwight

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The following is the printed letter that I had planned to give out Saturday evening at two neocatecumenal Masses, January 17, 2015:

January 17, 2015

Dear brothers and sisters of the Neocatecumenal communities,

I have been helping out with the Holy Masses and the Penitential celebrations with you for almost 10 years. I see a lot of good will and good fruits. Precisely for this reason I offered myself even to the point of offering two Holy Masses every Saturday evening with you, and the Penitential celebrations whenever you called me.

I had mentioned to you a few times that I knew that your statutes had been approved a few years ago, but the way in which you celebrated the Holy Mass was not yet approved and that Pope Benedict had formed a commission to examine the Holy Mass celebrated in the small groups Saturday evening among the members of the Neocatecumenal Way. I believed up to only a few days ago that this commission had not yet finished their work before Pope Benedict had left the papacy. A few days ago I discovered that instead the commission had finished their work and the three founders of the Neocatecumenal Way - Kiko Argüello, Carmen Hernandez and Father Mario Pezzi – had received a letter on December 1, 2005 written by Cardinal Arinze, the prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the liturgy with a list of “decisions of the Holy Father” to which they were to obey.

“Of the six points detailing the pope’s directives, only one permits the Neocatechumenals to continue what they are doing. This regards placing the exchange of peace before the offertory, a traditional practice in the Christian liturgy which is still in use today, for example, in the Ambrosian Rite celebrated in the archdiocese of Milan. All the other points require the Neocatechumenal Way to eliminate a large portion of its liturgical innovations.”

Our Holy Mother Church seeks to help and protect the ecclesial movements in order not to loose the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given to each movement. Being part of the Focolare Movement since 1986, many times I heard from the mouth of Chiara Lubich that she followed immediately and totally every small indication from Pope John Paul II, even if she had to change her important programs. Like the saints and good religious, Chiara Lubich trusted totally in God, not in herself, and thus she believed that if she obeyed the Pope, her superior, after she expressed well her thoughts, even if she was not in agreement with the decision of the Pope, she did the holy will of God. If the Pope truly made a mistake, according to God, the Pope will most likely change his idea, precisely because Chiara Lubich obeyed. Humility and obedience cause the graces of God to gush forth! If what Chiara Lubich believed was right was truly right according to God, God will take care of the problem, and to change the idea of her superior, in God’s own time. The first criteria of discernment regarding private revelations is precisely humility and obedience (Visit: “The Catholic Church and Private Revelation”; Certainly, the responsibility of superiors is great! Visit: “The Great Responsibility of Religious Leaders” (

At the beginning of a movement the Church offers a period of observation as well as certain verbal authorizations, as Pope John Paul did with the leaders of the Neocatechumenal Way. Then afterwards Mother Church guides us for our true good and for the true good of the ecclesial movement. It is similar to Jesus Who received all, did many miracles and healings, but slowly led all those, who were willing, with Him toward Jerusalem, toward Calvary, and finally to the crucifixion where there was only the Mother of Jesus, Saint John the apostle and some women. Jesus leads all those of good will toward Calvary with the cross, toward trust in God not in themselves, which is the only way to overcome our egoisms in order to love God and neighbor in an authentic way. “The Truth will make you free!” (Jn 8:32).

The recall of Benedict XVI regards the ways in which the neocatecumenal groups celebrate the Mass. The Pope wants them to conform to what is prescribed in the liturgical norms valid for the whole Church.

I was surprised when I discovered that Kiko Argüello, Carmen Hernandez and Father Mario Pezzi did not obey the letter in which were articulated the directives of the Pope. Their act of partial obedience is in a letter which they wrote to the Pope on January 17, 2006. They limit themselves in fact to thank the Pope for having conceded to them another two years of time. And they return to defend their way of doing the communion. They underline that to do the communion “in this way” is an essential instrument to convert the ones further away from the faith: to abandon this would compromise their mission. On this crucial point of the communion they indicated that they want to follow their way. It is in fact the diffuse opinion among the neocatecumenals that the letter of Arinze was something provisionary, modifiable, a simple “instrumentum laboris”, and that in the end their practice will be substantially approved. This opinion persists even after the recall of Benedict XVI regarding the rite of the Mass, in his talk given to the neocatecumenals on January 12 2006.

In any case, this is not the thought neither of Arinze nor of the Pope. In an interview on February 15, 2006, on Vatican Radio, the cardinal prefect for the congregation for the liturgy reasserted that the letter is “the conclusion to everything”. In this way he explained the process from which the letter originated:

“The letter flowed out of what emerged from the examination of this congregation of how the Neocatecumenal Way celebrates the Holy Mass for many years. … To exam this we had a mixed commission among people nominated from the Neocatecumenal Way and people nominated by our congregation. In the discussions emerged many practices which they do during the Mass, … and many emerged which were not according to the approved books. This is the background. Everything was examined in many sessions by the mixed commission during a period of two years or more. And there was also a discussion among seven cardinals of the Roman curia, desired by the Holy Father, who examined everything. Thus, this letter is the conclusion to everything”.


"I am to inform you of the Holy Father’s decisions..."

Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum
Prot. 2520/03/L
From Vatican City, December 1, 2005

To the esteemed Mr. Kiko Argüello, Ms. Carmen Hernandez, and Rev. Father Mario Pezzi,

Following the conversations with this Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments on the celebration of the Most Holy Eucharist in the communities of the Neocatechumenal Way, in keeping with the guidelines issued in the meeting with you on November 11 of this year, I am to inform you of the Holy Father’s decisions.

In the celebration of the Holy Mass, the Neocatechumenal Way shall accept and follow the liturgical books approved by the Church, without omitting or adding anything. Furthermore, in regard to some elements the guidelines and clarifications are emphasized as follows:

1. Sunday is the “Dies Domini” as the Servant of God Pope John Paul II wished to illustrate in the Apostolic Letter on the Lord’s Day. Therefore the Neocatechumenal Way must enter into dialogue with the diocesan bishop in order to make it clear that the community of the Neocatechumenal Way is incorporated into the parish even in the context of the liturgical celebrations. At least one Sunday per month, the communities of the Neocatechumenal Way must participate in the Holy Mass of the parish community.

2. As for any admonitions issued before the readings, these must be brief. Adherence must also be shown to what is set out in the “Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani” (nn. 105 and 128) and to the Praenotanda of the “Ordo Lectionum Missae” (nn. 15, 19, 38, 42).

3. The homily, because of its nature and importance, is reserved to the priest or deacon (cf. Codex Iuris Canonici, can. 767 § 1). As for the occasional contribution of testimonies on the part of the lay faithful, the proper places and methods for these are indicated in the Interdicasterial Instruction “Ecclesiae de Mysterio,” which was approved “in specific form” by Pope John Paul II and published on August 15, 1997. In this document, sections 2 and 3 of article 3 read as follows:

§2 - “It is permitted to have a brief instruction that helps explain better the liturgy that is being celebrated, and even, in exceptional circumstances, a few testimonies, as long as these conform to the liturgical norms, are offered on the occasion of Eucharistic liturgies celebrated on particular days (for seminarians, the sick, etc.), and are thought truly helpful as an illustration of the regular homily delivered by the celebrating priest. These instructions and testimonies must not assume characteristics that might cause them to be confused with the homily.”

§3 - “The possibility of ‘dialogue’ during the homily (cf. Directorium de Missis cum Pueris, no. 48) can be used occasionally and with prudence by the celebrating minister as a means of exposition, which does not transfer to others the duty of preaching.”

Careful attention must also be paid to the Instruction “Redemptionis Sacramentum,” no. 74.

4. On the exchange of peace, permission is granted to the Neocatechumenal Way to continue using the indult already granted, pending further instructions.

5. On the manner of receiving Holy Communion, a period of transition (not exceeding two years) is granted to the Neocatechumenal Way to pass from the widespread manner of receiving Holy Communion in its communities (seated, with a cloth-covered table placed at the center of the church instead of the dedicated altar in the sanctuary) to the normal way in which the entire Church receives Holy Communion. This means that the Neocatechumenal Way must begin to adopt the manner of distributing the Body and Blood of Christ that is provided in the liturgical books.

6. The Neocatechumenal Way must also make use of the other Eucharistic Prayers contained in the missal, and not only Eucharistic Prayer II.

In short, the Neocatechumenal Way, in its celebration of the Holy Mass, should follow the approved liturgical books, keeping in mind what is laid out above under the numbers 1,2,3,4,5, and 6.

Acknowledging the favors that the Lord has bestowed upon the Church through the many activities of the Neocatechumenal Way, I take this occasion to extend to you my best regards.

+ Francis Card. Arinze



Mr. ARGÜELLO Kiko, Ms. HERNANDEZ Carmen, Rev. Fr. PEZZI Mario
Via dei Gonzaga, 205


Dear brothers and sisters of the Neocatecumenal communities,

IN CONSCIENCE, BEFORE GOD, I CAN NO LONGER CELEBRATE A MASS NOT APPROVED BY THE CHURCH. In these last several years I have begun to understand more and more, in my meditations each day and before our Eucharistic Lord one hour everyday for the last 14 years, the greatness of the Eucharist, the substantial presence of Jesus, the Son of God, in Person, in every smallest particle of bread. I also began to discover and to understand how much the devil has worked, with great astuteness and subtleness, in the Catholic Church, to cause to diminish the faith, love and reverential humility before the infinite God in the Eucharist, “the source and summit of the Christian life”.” (Vat. II: LG 11; CCC 1324). A year ago I had written an article (in Italian): “Il Dio Infinito Fra Noi” (

I am always willing to help out with the penitential celebrations.

I would like to offer a proposal, my idea. Even though I am totally convinced that it is very important to obey this letter from Cardinal Arinze, in the letter of Kiko, Carmen and Father Mario, which they wrote to the Pope on January 17, 2006, they underlined that to do the communion “in this way” is an essential instrument to convert the ones further away from the faith: to abandon this would compromise their mission. The communities which are already on the way for more than 5 or 10 years, it seems to me that they are no longer “the ones further away from the faith”. And thus if a few of the communities are willing to obey the letter of Cardinal Arinze, in agreement with their Pastor (where they are accommodated) and with their catechists, I am very willing to celebrate the Holy Mass in the way approved by Holy Mother Church with you.

In the Beginning of the Year Convivience 2013-2014, Kiko said at the end of the ecclesial catechesis: “It is a very important the point of the catechism on politics, it is a very important point. There are those who think that history is immanent, that we are going toward a better world, with more democracy, more progress, and we can say that this is false! We are going toward the apostasy, toward the antichrist, as the Book of Revelation and the Catechism say.”

I believe in this very difficult period, with less prayer than ever and more sin and more indifference than ever, “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14) better than ever. And thus, it is very important to remain faithful to the Magisterium of the Church. The Church is the handmaid of the Truth, not the Author of the Truth! “Who Decides The Truth?” ( “The work of the devil will infiltrate even the Church in such a way that one will see CARDINALS OPPOSING CARDINALS, bishops against other bishops. … the Church will be full of those who accept compromise …” (Our Lady of Akita, Japan; October 13, 1973, the anniversary of the great miracle of the sun at Fatima, October 13, 1917)!

In the “Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary” for the associated priests of the Marian Movement for Priests, one reads: “Above all, we wish to be united with the Holy Father and the hierarchy, firmly adhering to all their directives, so as thus to set up a barrier to the growing confrontation directed against the Magisterium, that threatens the very foundation of the Church.”

Dear brothers and sisters, let us help each other (Heb 3:13) to not gently slide (“full of joy”, Diary of St. Faustina, no. 153) into apostasy, with compromises, before “the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of perdition” (2Thess 2:3-4)!

Father Joseph Dwight

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The following is the second email ( sent in February 2015:

Dear friends of the Neocatecumenal Way,

Since I tried to serve the Neocatecumenal communities for 10 years, naturally a few people spoke to me in person, by telephone and by email about my decision: “In conscience, before God, I can no longer celebrate a Mass not approved by the Church.” Some did not understand this my decision; I offer here more clarification.

One can find the first email, last month, about the Neocatecumenal Mass at:

My fundamental reply is what I already wrote ( That is, even if I do not understand all of the motives of the list of “decisions of the Holy Father” in the letter sent by Cardinal Francis Arinze on December 1, 2005, I trust in the Vicar of Christ, and I obey the “decisions of the Holy Father”. Thus, I will try to explain at least a little of what I understood in the guidance and wisdom of Pope Benedict, and in particular, in the “Liturgical Books” which guide the whole Catholic Church in the liturgical celebrations, above all the most important one, the Holy Mass!

As I already wrote: “The recall of Benedict XVI regards the ways in which the neocatecumenal groups celebrate the Mass. The Pope wants them to conform to what is prescribed in the liturgical norms valid for the whole Church. … In the “Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the Community of the Neocatechumenal Way”, January 20, 2012, Pope Benedict gave a genuine lecture – almost an ultimatum – that the celebrations in the small communities must be “regulated by the liturgical books that must be faithfully followed”, as he had ordered already in the letter of Cardinal Arinze more than 6 years earlier.”

Also Pope John Paul II gave the same recall to the Neocatecumens:
Celebrate the Eucharist and, above all, Easter, with true piety, with great dignity, with love for the liturgical rites of the Church, with exact observance of the established norms by the competent authority, with the will of communion with all the brothers…” (In Italian: Osservatore Romano, 11 febbraio 1983;

As I already indicated, the attitude of the saints was to trust the Pope, to seek to under stand the thought and desire of the Vicar of Christ, INSTEAD of seeking, in a perhaps cunning way, ways to get around the orders of the superior, or to seek in everyway possible to justify the way of doing things not in harmony with the order of the superior. Thus I will not try to explain in a casuistic way the motive for which Pope Benedict did not approve the Neocatecumenal Mass from the point of view of the “Liturgical Books”, but rather I will try to indicate what I understood of the wisdom of the “Liturgical Books” in general.

One can find easily the Liturgical books on the Web; I offer two of the most important ones:
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal

Redemptionis Sacramentum

These Liturgical Books offer “certain matters to be observed or to be avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist” for the Church in the whole world. Beyond the normal liturgical norms, one finds explanations when a Priest or a Bishop must make an exception according to the needs of the situation. For example in a small parish the Priest must distribute the Eucharist by himself, whereas in a parish in Huntington Beach, California, where I worked for one year (1990-1991), there were about 1000 people at each Mass with one Priest, and thus there are the explanations in the liturgical books when one can apply the exceptions to the norms in order to guide the Priest of Bishop in order to maintain as much reverence as possible before the Most Holy Eucharist. Or, for example, the norms explain where to put the Tabernacle in a church where there is very little tourism and where there is a lot of tourism, etc., always with the goal of maintaining as much reverence as possible before the Most Holy Eucharist. “I am the Lord your God, … you shall have no other gods before me” (Ex 20:2-5; CCC 2083-2141). “You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve” (Mt 4:10), not men!

In the liturgical books there are norms about the importance of the sanctuary and that
The Priest may give the sign of peace to the ministers but always remains within the sanctuary, so as not to disturb the celebration.” There are explanations when one can apply an exception to use a normal table to celebrate the Holy Mass while the norm is to use an altar in the sanctuary as dignified as possible to celebrate the most important celebration on the face of the earth. Is this not what the document of Cardinal Arinze, ordered by the Pope, said?
5. On the manner of receiving Holy Communion, a period of transition (not exceeding two years) is granted to the Neocatechumenal Way to pass from the widespread manner of receiving Holy Communion in its communities (seated, with a cloth-covered table placed at the center of the church INSTEAD OF THE DEDICATED ALTAR IN THE SANCTUARY) to the normal way in which the entire Church receives Holy Communion. This means that the Neocatechumenal Way must begin to adopt the manner of distributing the Body and Blood of Christ that is provided in the liturgical books.

There is always the tendency to NOT maintain the cult or worship of the Creator, but to slid toward the cult or worship of creatures in the Holy Mass. It is nice to be together! A community of believers helps a lot to persevere in the faith, if the community leads us toward God, TOWARD THE CREATOR! One also feels good to be esteemed by others around us in the community and in the Church. “For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God” (Jn 12:43). “HOW CAN YOU BELIEVE, who receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?” (Jn 5:44; Gal 1:10). But Jesus said: “WOE TO YOU, WHEN ALL MEN SPEAK WELL OF YOU” (Lk 6:26). “If I sought to please men I should not be the servant of Christ”; St. Augustine; Week 13, Tuesday). Behold the motive of our holy Mother Church to offer us “certain matters to be observed or to be avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist”, in the liturgical books. And thus there is often the temptation for the exceptions (for particular cases), one after the other, accumulated together, indicated in the liturgical books, to become the rule (habitual), not only for a Mass or for a parish, but even for the celebrations of the Holy Mass for an entire ecclesial movement!

Jesus wants our heart. If one struggles, if one watches over the heart continuously, one succeeds in always giving more the heart to Jesus with the help of Mary. If one does not struggle, if one does not watch over his/her own heart continually, automatically one gives the heart to other things, created things, but not to the Creator! “For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God (Ex 34:14). “You shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the peoples who are round about you; for the Lord you God in the midst of you is a jealous God; lest the anger of the Lord you God be kindled against you, and he destroy you from off the face of the earth” (Deut 6:14-15). “He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me” (Mt 10:37). “If any one come to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” (Lk 14:26). What would Jesus say if someone loves the community more than Jesus, even to the point of using the great sacrifice of Jesus, the Holy Mass, for himself or for the community?!? But if you say this is impossible for us Catholics in the Mass, then what is Jesus saying in these passages: “If any one come to me and does not hate his own father…”, or the community?!? Do we think that Jesus is a little bit exaggerated but we modern people are intelligent and wise (Mt 11:25; Lc 10:21)!?!
Whatever your task, work heartily, as serving the Lord and not men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward; you are serving the Lord Christ” (Col 3:23). “For if any one thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself… Do not be deceived; God is not mocked” (Gal 6:3,7).
On several occasions, I have learned how some religious defend their own glory under the pretext of being concerned for the glory of God, whereas it is not a question of the glory of God, but of glory of self. O Jesus, how painful this has been for me! What secrets the day of Your judgment will bring to light! How can one steal God's gifts?” (Diary of Saint Faustina, no. 1149). “He who wants to learn true humility should reflect upon the Passion of Jesus” (Diary, no. 267).

Sister Mary Gabriel (in purgatory) communicated to Sister Mary of the Cross:
Alas, how many lives seem to be filled with good works and at the death are found empty. This is because all those actions that appeared to be good, all those showy works, all that conduct that seemed irreproachable - all these were not done for Jesus alone. Some will have their eyes opened when they come here to this life (in Purgatory). On earth they wanted to be made much of, to shine, to be thought very exact in religious observances, to be esteemed as perfect religious. This is the mainspring of so many lives. If you only knew how few people work for God and act for Him alone. Alas, at death, when they are no longer blinded, what regrets they will have. If only sometimes they would think of eternity. What is life compared to that day which will have no evening for the elect, or to that night which will have no dawning for the damned? On earth, people attach themselves to everything and everyone except to Him, who alone ought to have our love and to whom we refuse it. Jesus in the Tabernacle waits for souls to love Him and He finds none. Hardly one soul in a thousand loves Him as it should. You love Him and make up to Him for this guilty indifference which exists all over this world.”
A Manuscript On Purgatory” (

The Vatican's chief exorcist, Father Gabriele Amorth, in his interview of 2001, speaking about many bishops who do not believe that the devil exists, said: “I could give you the names of so many bishops and cardinals who, on their appointment to a diocese, stripped exorcists of their faculty to perform the rite. Or there are bishops who openly say they don’t believe, that these are things of the past. Why is that? UNFORTUNATELY, WE HAVE HAD THE INSIDIOUS INFLUENCE OF CERTAIN BIBLISTS and I could mention some illustrious names. We who are in daily physical contact with the ‘other world’ know that this influence is evident in numerous liturgical reforms. (For example?) The Second Vatican Council asked that some texts be revised. Disobeying this command, they set about re-writing them completely with no thought for the danger of making things worse instead of better. So many rites came off badly from this mania to throw out the old and start from scratch, as if the Church to date had always conned us and as if only now the time had at last come of the great geniuses, the super theologians, the super-biblists and the super-liturgists who know what the right thing is for the Church. This is a lie: the last Council simply asked that the texts be revised, not destroyed.” (;,-Father-Gabriele.html).

Lex orandi, lex credendi (Latin loosely translated as "the law of praying [is] the law of believing" or “the content of prayer is the content of the faith”) refers to the relationship between worship and belief. The liturgy of the Holy Mass must lead us to more faith in the real and substantial presence of the infinite God in the Most Holy Eucharist, not less! Modern men today do not want to make an act or gesture of humility even before the infinite God in the Eucharist. But one cannot detach or separate the body fro the heart; one ends up with less reverence before God even in the heart. And our holy Mother Church knows this very well! The way in which we celebrate the Holy Mass INFLUENCES GREATLY ON OUR FAITH, or on the loss of faith slowly, in the real and substantial presence of the infinite God in the Most Holy Eucharist! A similar saying to “Lex orandi, lex credenda” is: “If you do not live what you believe, you end up believing what you live.” There is always the possibility of liturgical minimalism. 50 years ago people tried to avoid talking in church before the infinite God in the tabernacle; today it is normal to chatter in church!

Bishop Athanasius Schneider observes ruefully that there are many whose views coincide with those of the pagan world who “declare themselves Catholics and even faithful to the Pope”, while “those who are faithful to the Catholic faith or those who are promoting the glory of Christ in the liturgy” are labeled extremists. Such critics may assert that Bishop Schneider’s concern over Holy Communion is like worrying over the numbers of angels on a pinhead. But the bishop insists that treatment of the Eucharist is at the very heart of the crisis. “The Eucharist is at the heart of the Church,” he said. “When the heart is weak, the whole body is weak.” He argued that receiving Communion in hand “contributes gradually to the loss of the Catholic faith in the Real Presence and in transubstantiation”. Bishop Schneider also rejected the idea that concern for the liturgy is less important than, or even separate from, concern for the poor. “This is erroneous. The first commandment which Christ gave us was to adore God alone. Liturgy is not a meeting of friends. It is our first task to adore and glorify God in the liturgy and also in our manner of life. From a true adoration and love of God grows love for the poor and our neighbor. It is a consequence.”

The popes did not want to change the custom of receiving Holy Communion on the tongue, but so many bishops and so many priests did not obey the Magisterium of the Church. Read: “Memoriale Domini”, “Inaestimabile Donum”.

Often I say to my parishioners before the “Our Father”: “Have we made that act of faith , each one of us, that five minutes ago there was on this altar only a piece of bread and wine, and now there is the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, the Son of God? If not, automatically our faith diminishes!” The liturgical books are precisely for this purpose! If one does not obey the liturgical books of the Catholic Church, automatically the faith, the love and the reverential humility slowly diminishes before the infinite God in the Eucharist, “the source and summit of the Christian life”, without realizing it!
Dead bodies float and go down with the flow of the river; in order to arrive to the Truth, to heaven, it is necessary to swim against the current everyday, especially today with so many beautiful lies and underhanded deception spread about everywhere by our enemy.

I also tell my parishioners: “If at a certain point Father Joe begins to say things that are not in agreement with the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults (CCC), follow the CCC because the Truth, which frees and saves, does not change. DO NOT FOLLOW FATHER JOE ALONG THE PATH OF PERDITION! I must preach according to the CCC, not according to my head or for human respect; I will not go to hell for anyone”! “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed!” (Gal 1:8).

Many people do not understand how one can maintain the two extremes of total trust in God as trustful children and at the same time reverential humility before the infinite God in the Eucharist. That is, how can one maintain in the liturgy the nearness to God without loosing reverential humility? Only with the help of God can one maintain the proper relationship with Jesus who has two natures, divine and human, our God and Creator, and our elder Brother. Some religions, such as Muslim, see God as if far away, and far above us, and do not understand how we Christians can believe that the infinite God became a man among us; the heresy of Jansenism tends in this direction. But today the pendulum is totally to the other side in which one hears only about the humanity of Jesus, and it is put aside, at least silence, that Jesus is also One of the Persons of the Most Holy Trinity. One finds this equilibrium between the two extremes in biblical tradition, explained in the documents of the Magisterium of the Church. One who truly trusts in God, as children, with the help of our heavenly Mother, understands well how it is possible to maintain the truth of who we are and Who is God, which is essentially humility, which is the fundamental definition of humility! “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and BECOME LIKE CHILDREN, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven” (Mt 18:3). How can one become a child without the Mother, the Mother who gave us the Holy Rosary, who accompanies us on our knees before her Eucharistic Son? The most fundamental virtue of children is trust! It is not by chance, in these times of the greatest crisis ever, that God has offered us in a more profound way the Divine Mercy by way of Saint Faustina: “Jesus I trust in You”! Jesus said to Saint Faustina: “BEFORE I COME AS A JUST JUDGE, I first open wide the door of My mercy. He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My Justice” (Diary, 1146). “YOU WILL PREPARE THE WORLD FOR MY FINAL COMING” (Diary of Saint Faustina, 429).

In the booklet, "Saint Veronica Giuliani - True Disciple and Apostle of Mary”, by Fr. Emmanuele of the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary, on reads:
- And to the Holy Eucharist, this "great invention of love," as she called It, to which she resorted to ask the most difficult graces, obtaining permission to receive Him every day; and how often she received Him from the hands of the Angels ... or from Most Holy Mary ... One must look in the mirror of the Diary to understand how little reverence and so much superficiality we approach the Sacred today, and how little faith in the real and working presence of God in this wonderful Sacrament, even to the limits of desecration ... How important it was for her the way to receive Him! All ... ALL THE SPIRITUAL FRUITS DEPENDED ON THIS. She used to say, "Whenever we receive Him in the Blessed Sacrament, God is reborn in the souls of the righteous who, with the heart ,serve Him and receive Him with purity." It is enough to remember that she was raptured into union with God after almost every Communion …

THE DREAM OF ST. JOHN BOSCO” coincides very well with this warning of Msgr. Schneider and it helps us to understand the great importance of remaining close to Jesus in the Eucharist, with our Rosary in hand, precisely in this period of crisis in the Church and outside of the Church. It is very interesting in this his most well known dream that the man in white at the helm of the ship in a great storm, attacked on all sides by other boats, guides the ship in the direction between the two pillars: on the top of one there is our Eucharistic Lord in the monstrance, on the top of the other one sees Our Lady.

Blessed Anne-Catherine Emmerick, an Augustinian German nun (1774 – 1824), proclaimed Blessed on October 3, 2004 by Blessed John Paul II, wrote:
May 13, 1820: “I saw also the relationship between the two popes. . . I saw how baleful would be the consequences of this false church. … Once more I saw that the Church of Peter was undermined by a plan evolved by the SECRET SECT, while storms were damaging it. But I saw also that help was coming when distress had reached its peak. I saw again the Blessed Virgin ascend on the Church and spread her mantle [over it]. I saw a Pope who was at once gentle, and very firm....”.

Pope John Paul II tells us:
THERE CAN BE NO DANGER OF EXCESS in our care for this Mystery, for “in this sacrament is recapitulated the whole mystery of our salvation”.”

The Pharisee thought that it was very exaggerated when the sinner “standing behind Jesus at his feet, weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment” (Lk 7:38)!

Il fariseo pensava che era molto esagerato quando la peccatrice “si rannicchiò piangendo ai piedi di Gesù e cominciò a bagnarli di lacrime, poi lì asciugava con i suoi capelli, li baciava e li cospargeva di olio profumato” (Lc 7,38)!

In the “Letter of His Holiness Pope, Benedict XVI, Proclaiming A Year For Priests, On the 150th Anniversary Of The "Dies Natalis" of John Mary Vianney (06-16-2009), Pope Benedict wrote:
He (John Vianney) was convinced that the fervor of a priest’s life depended entirely upon the Mass: “The reason why a priest is lax is that he does not pay attention to the Mass! My God, how we ought to pity a priest who celebrates as if he were engaged in something routine!”. He was accustomed, when celebrating, also to offer his own life in sacrifice: “What a good thing it is for a priest each morning to offer himself to God in sacrifice!”. … “By spending long hours in church before the tabernacle, he inspired the faithful to imitate him by coming to visit Jesus with the knowledge that their parish priest would be there, ready to listen and offer forgiveness. Later, the growing numbers of penitents from all over France would keep him in the confessional for up to sixteen hours a day. It was said that Ars had become “a great hospital of souls”. His first biographer relates that “the grace he obtained [for the conversion of sinners] was so powerful that it would pursue them, not leaving them a moment of peace!”. The saintly Curé reflected something of the same idea when he said: “It is not the sinner who returns to God to beg his forgiveness, but God himself who runs after the sinner and makes him return to him”. “This good Savior is so filled with love that he seeks us everywhere”.

BUT TODAY, HOW MANY PRIESTS AND BISHOPS DO AS DID THE HOLY CURATE OF ARS? The last several popes have told us that the gravest sin today is that there is no more sin; we have lost the sense of sin. One of the most fundamental tasks for Jesus was that of Redeemer, to free us from our sins for those of good will who are willing to confess their sins (Mk 2:17; Lk 5:31-32, etc.). Thus one of the most fundamental tasks for priests is to be the doctor of the souls, to help the souls to identify and tu cure the sicknesses of the soul, especially those most grave which are called “mortal sins”, that is, the sins that render the soul dead, but the body walks with a dead soul up until death if there is no priest to help the person to recognize the gravity of their situation and to make a good confession! If priests do not help people to identify the sicknesses of the soul, people do not have anything to confess, and thus have no need of Jesus the Redeemer, who came for sinners, not for the just who believe to have no sins. In this way the Redemption is nullified for these people because they do not believe to have need of the Savior.

WHAT WOULD YOU THINK OF A DOCTOR WHO CARED NOTHING ABOUT DISEASE and sends home the patients with grave sicknesses saying to not to worry because THE DOCTOR DOES NOT WANT TO SCARE OR UPSET THE PATIENT. Such doctors would be called quakes, incompetents, guilty of gross professional negligence; they would be sued for malpractice. But if priests do not speak about the only thing that can kill the soul, mortal sin, because the people (spiritual patients) do not want to hear these things, what would we think about such priests? If the doctor acts in this way, the person could lose his life; but if the doctor of souls, the priest, does like this, the person could loose his immortal which last for all eternity! “For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? Or what shall a man give in return for his life” (Mt 16:26; Mk 8:36)?

We must recognize that our human nature is such that we automatically slid toward the easiest path, or toward the path which gives us more recognition before people. Precisely for this one finds often in the Gospels from the mouth of Jesus: “Watch therefore…”! Seven times in the Book of Judges alone, in the Old Testament, the people of Israel went through the cycle of sin, suffering, supplication to God, salvation from God, and then the slide back again into the lack of prayer and of the observance ot the 10 Commandments, and then they began all over again to sin again. It is interesting that when the Israelites were tired of deciding and doing things on their own and experienced how much better it is to follow God’s chosen ones, they finally pleaded with Gideon to “rule over us, you and your son and your grandson also...” (Judg 8:22). How many Catholics are not yet tired of following their own heads of relativism instead of the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church?

You parents understand well the great tendency for the children to take the easy way; but also our Holy Mother Church understands this very well. The Second Vatican Council gave more responsibility to the people, but unfortunately the great majority, instead of living this responsibility as Christians who want to give joy to Jesus, which means to seek to discover and do what Jesus wants, took the easy way just like spoiled children all their lives. For example, the documents of the council told us that we could substitute abstinence from meat on Friday with some other sacrifice to honor the day that Jesus died for us, given the fact that many eat delicious fish which was not a sacrifice. And so, almost all the Catholics only heard the words that it is not necessary to abstain from meat each Friday, and nothing else! When the “pill” arrived in 1960, the great majority of Catholics took the easy way, and thus when “Humanae Vitae” was published there was a great rebellion by the spoiled grownup children that were habituated to a Christianity without the cross, even though this does not lead toward true freedom and afterwards to heaven. Very quickly the contraceptive mentality lead us to abortion, euthanasia, gay unions, … When the Mom is not around to push us, the children who have not assumed their responsibilities, that is, those who have not fallen in love with Him who gave us everything, Jesus, they take the easiest way, or the way that is more gratifying to their self-importance. God who is totally respectful of our free will, waits for each one of us in silence to give freely as we have receive freely everything that we have (Mt 10:8).

How many Jews thought that when the Messiah arrived everything would be easier e that they would even be at least more free from the 10 Commandments? Instead Jesus took us to the heart of the Law: “Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven…” (Mt 5:17-20). When the children leave home, how many have an attitude to be free from the rules of the parents, and how many seek to understand the wisdom of what they received from their for their true good? How many Catholics, after the council offered more responsibility, took advantage of the situation to do things as they pleased, to trust in themselves, instead of seeking to discover and to understand the documents of our Mother Church for our true good together with the cross of Christ?

If a person does not struggle to remember and to make an act of faith as profound as possible before the Eucharist, especially during the celebrations of the Holy Mass, automatically the faith, love and reverential humility diminishes! The liturgy, guided by the liturgical books of the Church, must help us to do precisely this!

So many today do not want to pay attention to the liturgical books which offer “certain matters to be observed or to be avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist”. But when we look at the directives, in detail, which God gave to the Israelites, who did not even have the infinite God in the Eucharist, I hope it helps us to make a good examine of conscience!
"If his offering to the LORD is a burnt offering of birds, then he shall bring his offering of turtledoves or of young pigeons. And the priest shall bring it to the altar and wring off its head, and burn it on the altar; and its blood shall be drained out on the side of the altar; and he shall take away its crop with the feathers, and cast it beside the altar on the east side, in the place for ashes; he shall tear it by its wings, but shall not divide it asunder. And the priest shall burn it on the altar, upon the wood that is on the fire; it is a burnt offering, an offering by fire, a pleasing odor to the LORD” (Lev 1:14-17).
There are two good reasons why this does not mean much to us. One is that we know now that God is no longer honoured by animal sacrifices, a primitive thing. We as Christians have even a stronger reason for not taking this seriously, because we know that is it the sacrifice of Calvary that renders all other sacrifices useless and needless.
But when we look more attentively at the passage we see other things: 1) There could only be two types of birds: turtle doves or young pigeons. Why would that be? In those times, they were the noblest types of fowl. The point behind that is, nothing but the best is what God is deserving of. This must apply also today, when I do what I do for God, nothing slipshod; it ought to be the best. 2) You note the fact that everybody is going to be making a sacrifice; if you were wealthy you would sacrifice a lamb; if you were poor you would bring up birds. Why what was the reason for that? Well it is a tribute to God, a way of acknowledging God’s Lordship, a way of saying to God, I have an utter dependence upon you. Today I should have said that very same thing! It is not something that that poor man in 600 BC felt the need to, I should be doing the same. 3) Notice the great detail is in all this. It doesn’t say bring the birds up and the priest will sacrifice them. No. They have to be certain kind of birds. Then it must be the priest who brings it to the altar. Then the priest “shall tear it by its wings, but shall not divide it asunder. And the priest shall burn it on the altar …” (Lev 1:14-17). There are about 10 specifications that have to be observed here. What does that imply? If someone here would give me very specific instructions about where to look, how to sit, how to speak… I would gather that this is very important. The more precise and specified it becomes, the more you are stressing the significance of this. The point is this: when you do what you do for God, you cannot be slipshod; you have to be very very earnest and careful. He deserves nothing but the best from you. Here the directives come from God by way of Moses; for Catholics the directives come from God by way of the Magisterium of the Church!

The Magisterium of the Church has given us many directives to help us to not neglect the things of God, in particular the Eucharist! The problem is that when there is lacking faith, the faith to believe that the directives of Moses or of the Magisterium of the Church are directives of God, or even to not care at all, these directives from Moses or from the Magisterium of the Church are taken in the way spoiled and rebellious or full of proud children receive them from their parents. On interprets the directives like from a mother, not considered very intelligent, who perhaps nags too much. The rebellious children even accuse the parents of being full of pride because they do no do like the great majority of parents do today who have let themselves slid into relativism, the easier path and more gratifying to our personal individualism! These untrusting children even say to their parents to shut up, because the parents are sinners, the priests are sinners, and so, everybody shut up! How many Catholics today do as good children who trust in their parents and seek to understand the directives of the parents instead of seeking all the excuses and all the scapegoats to do as they please???

Also in the Book of Leviticus, God explains the attitude, THE SPIRIT IN WHICH IT IS NECESSARY TO LOVE ONES NEIGHBOR:
"And when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap your field to its very border, nor shall you gather the gleanings after your harvest; you shall leave them for the poor and for the stranger: I am the LORD your God” (Lev 23:22). These are the instructions given to wealthy landowners in those days; this is how widows and orphans could sustain themselves by gleaning, as did Ruth and Noeme. This was a way of saying to people: take thought of the need of those around you, especially those who are hurting. This passage also indicated to not do good for goodness sake, which too many people tend to do today. They just feel good doing the charity they do. And that is not bad, but there is a higher motive suggested here. You do this not because you feels good when you help someone who is in need. Not even because that is justice; I have so much more than I need, I should share with those who are in desperate need. NO. The reason given here is: “I am the LORD your God”; that is, do it for God’s sake. That’s what keeps if from being mere social action. When you get Christians who forget this, that you are doing it to honor God, you are no better than any government worker who is involved in helping the poor. Even the head of the social workers in India said one time to Mother Teresa of Calcutta: “I finally have understood the difference between us social workers and you sisters; you do it for Someone, and we do it for something!” And this man in charge was not even a Christian!

In an interview with “Time Magazine” (1989), Mother Teresa of Calcutta was asked: “Why have you been so successful?” Mother Teresa replied: “Jesus made Himself the bread of life to give us life. That's where we begin the day, with MASS. And we end the day with ADORATION of the Blessed Sacrament. I don't think that I could do this work for even one week if I didn't have four hours of prayer every day.” ( When I saw Mother Teresa (together with Jean Vanier, founder of l’Arche, for people with developmental disabilities) in the Church at Mondo Migliore (Rocca di Papa, Roma; January 1989), when she looked at the Eucharist and when she bowed down to the point of touching her head on the cold marble floor during the Consecration of the Mass, it made a great impression on me! Mother Teresa never opened a new house for her sisters if there was not the possibility of having not only daily Mass everyday, but also adoration everyday; because she would say that spending time in adoration before our Eucharistic Lord, the faith grows in the real, substantial and personal presence of Jesus, and thus one is able to see more and more with the eyes of faith the presence of Jesus in “the least of these my brethren”. Mother Teresa’s motto of life was: “You did it to Me” (Mt 25:40)!

TODAY, IN THE MASS, THERE IS SO MUCH EMPHASIS ON THE PEOPLE, ON THE MUSIC, DANCING, BALLOONS… You just have to say: where are we? Are we in the entertainment business, and if you are you will lose out because you cannot be entertaining every week. It is important to love your neighbour, but Mass has really turned into a social issue, and then the sacrifice, many times, the whole idea of Calvary, communion with God seems to be slipping away. With the unapproved and misguided liturgical innovations, we are loosing the sense of the sacred, the depth of mystery; we no longer awestruck at the Sacrifice of Jesus for the redemption of the world. After the Council in many churches the Blessed Sacrament was moved from the center. With that went the custom of genuflecting as you entered the church. The fact to have easy access to the sanctuary which before was consider sacred and reserved. All of these exception of the rules made by “the great geniuses, the super theologians, the super-biblists and the super-liturgists who know what the right thing is for the Church”, as Father Amorth said, have chiped away at the holiness, the sense of the sacred. It’s gone.

SLOWLY THE PRAYER IN FAMILIES HAS DIMINISHED; very few families pray the Rosary together today. Due to the fact that there is much less prayer today, many older people, who still come to church on Sunday, grumble because the Mass is too long, while they have so much time for everything else, being in retirement. A priest in France said to me that very few Catholics go to Sunday Mass, and they do not even want a Funeral Mass but they want only a little holy water sprinkled on the coffin at the cemetery. Among other things, behold the consequences of not following the liturgical books with the motive: “to do the communion “in this way” is an essential instrument to convert the ones further away from the faith: to abandon this would compromise their mission.” It seems to me to do the Holy Mass “in this way” would compromise the faith of all who celebrate the Mass “in this way”, slowly without realizing it! Theologians explain to us that Judas Iscariot believe he was doing a good thing to force Jesus to show His power before everyone in order to save the people from the Romans; but he did not do things according to God in humility and suffering on the cross, but according to the mentality of the world, in a triumphal way before the people.

How many young priests succeed, with their person charisma, a gift from God, to attract the youth in the parishes, but afterwards do not use this gift from God to lead the youth toward Jesus in the Eucharist, with the help of Mary, but finish like a community that exists to serve itself, which serves the gratification of the people in the community? “He (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease” (Jn 3:30). “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life” (Jn 12:24-25). If a person, with a charisma from God, does not die in the hands of God, in the hands of the guidance of the Magisterium of the Church, there will not be true fruits that last!
Every one to whom much is given, of him will much be required” (Lk 12:48). “But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods that same prophet shall die” (Deut 18:20).

WE ARE LEAVING BEHIND THE BIBLICAL TRADITION, because in the Old Testament, there was a profound reverence for the sacred. Their attitudes in the Temple where there was the Arc of the Covenant (much less than the infinite God in the Eucharist!) where there was the special presence of God, the way in which they offered the sacrifices, they had a tangible sense of God, the nearness of God. Everyone knew that how one was to behave! Only the high priest, once a year (the feast of Yom Kippur), entered the second Tent of the Temple (Ex 30:10; Lev 16:2-29; Heb 7:27; 9:7). They did not into the Temple in a hurried fashion once a year; the motive was respect, not forgetfulness or neglect. Even today the habit of using God’s proper name; no Jew would say Yahweh, only to show reverence and respect, to create a sense of awe. So when they would read the text and they came upon the word Yahweh, they would hold back, they would not even think of pronouncing it. In these small ways, you build up that sense of the sacred. And “the great geniuses, the super theologians, the super-biblists and the super-liturgists who know what the right thing is for the Church”, have gotten rid of all these devices that had developed over the years to do just that, to create a sense of awe, about the Eucharist specifically.

One justifies getting rid of these signs and disciplines in order to attract those further away from the faith, or to make children of 9 or 10 years to feel more at ease, while in the schools is taught sex education to these children which 60 years ago was for older boys and girls which was to be explained by the parents at the right moment for each boy or girl! We are seeing that the experimentation that we have done in this area has failed. And it is a terrible failure. If it had been math that we had been experimenting with, there would had been the human cry, we would never had let it happen. We have let children grow up into adulthood without a proper grasp on the faith, of the sacred, without a proper understanding of the Eucharist, butchered! The question should never be introduced to making it more attractive; we do not go there for kicks. You go to worship God to pay a debt, if anything, and even you are feeling lousy, you go. But we are not saying that to the kids coming up, especially with our example of faith which is seen in our unspoken attitudes before the Eucharist. The Holy Mass is not meant to be fun.

THEY SAY THE MASS IS A MEAL. You never hear anymore that the Mass is a holy sacrifice. We have lost the biblical tradition of maintaining the first priority of rendering worship to God, not to man! Thus the first priority today is to have this sense of all being here together, while putting aside the question of worship of God. Certainly a meal fosters the convivial experience; and thus this is what is promoted. The big thing is to be together. The alter therefore is the table. And the Eucharist is a meal.

This is not to deny that the Mass is a meal; it is after all patterned on the last supper. But it is also a sacrifice, and that table is also an altar on which a sacrifice is performed. The exegetes of Sacred Scripture and of the first period of the Christian community explain to us that when we look at the time of the Apostles, right after the resurrection, the first generation of Christians were Jewish, and they continued to be Jewish even after the resurrection. And so the went every Saturday to the synagogue where they would read part of the Scriptures. And they went Saturday afternoon then, the Sabbath, to the temple where there would be the afternoon sacrifice. Then in the year 70, the temple was destroyed, and so they did not go to the temple anymore. We read in Acts, of John and Peter, as a routine thing, going up to the afternoon sacrifice. Now the temple is gone. They continue to go to the synagogue until their Jewish confreres decide that their belief in Jesus, who they called the Nazarene Rabbi, their belief in this person as the Messiah, disqualifies them as Jews, they were excommunicated. So now these people, how do they worship. They did always, since our Lord had directed it, the breaking of the bread. So what they do now? They put together this form of worship which is based both on the experience of the synagogue and on the experience of the sacrifice in the temple. So the liturgy of the Word that we have today is a reflection of the synagogue – we have readings, we pray over the ideas that turn up in those readings, we have a homily on those readings. Then we go to the altar; there you have the modern day counterpart of the temple. There you have a real sacrifice. The liturgical books hold us to not loose this our precious heritage, guided by the Holy Spirit, in which in the Mass there is the parts of the synagogue, of the sacrifice and of the breaking of bread.

We are at the service of God, not God at our service! The first question in the catechism for children was: Who created you? We responded as children: God. The Second question was: Why did God create you? We responded: To know God, to love Him and to serve Him, and to be with Him in Heaven. For a great number of people today, religion, the liturgy, the parish, the pastor, the pope and even God Himself, exist to serve us! The cult of man instead of the cult of God! For a great number of people today religion does not exist to help us discover the will of God and to do the will of God!

For many people the documents of the Church, in particular the “Liturgical Books”, and also the writings of the popes and of the saints regarding these things, will seem exaggerated, after years of sliding into the exceptions, into our relativism. In his homily at the Mass preceding the conclave that quickly elected him Pope Benedict XVI, then Cardinal Ratzinger said: “Today, having a clear faith based on the Creed of the Church IS OFTEN LABELED AS FUNDAMENTALISM. Whereas relativism, that is, letting oneself be "tossed here and there, carried about by every wind of doctrine", seems the only attitude that can cope with modern times. We are building a dictatorship of relativism that does not recognize anything as definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely of one's own ego and desires.” (;

Professor Dr. Scott Hahn, of the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, said that “the crisis in the Church began when Catholics began to see the Eucharist as a sacred object instead the divine Person.”

The Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, said that “whenever there is a falling off in the faith of our Catholic people it will always be seen first in regard to the Eucharist, to their devotion to the Eucharist.” And he proves this from the Gospel of St. John ch. 6, when Jesus talked about the bread of life, which He promised to give it to the people. And He said “my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink” (Jn 6:55). And many of the people who had been following him walked away. The bishop points out that Jesus lost some of his disciples too that day and even lost one of his Apostles. “Jesus said to the twelve, “Will you also go away?” Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life; and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.” Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?” He spoke of Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one of the twelve, was to betray him” (Jn 6:67-71). Bishop Sheen points out that Jesus is referring to Judas who did not believe in the teaching of the Eucharist. Today there are many Catholics, and many Catholic leaders, who do not believe in the real presence.

Why do so many people NOT WANT TO CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITY OF SLIDING INTO NEGLIGENCE IN MAINTAINING RESPECT AND REVERENTIAL HUMILITY BEFORE OUR EUCHARISTIC LORD, while they realize this danger of sliding in the normal things of life? If a husband or a wife neglects the relationship with the spouse, one knows what happens to this matrimonial relationship! If males habitually look at pornography, without repenting and struggling against this temptation, they end up looking at women as objects of pleasure, instead of people to appreciate and to esteem. When husbands, who are habituated to looking at pornography, make love with their wives, they are making love with the pornographic image in their heads, not with their wives, which is a true betrayal (! When a girl uses her half naked body as bait, she attracts fish which are interested in her body; when these fish are tired of her body, he goes to another body and she falls into depression and she wonders why?!? If she covers her body modestly and uses the mystery of her unique personality that God has given her, she attracts boys who are interested in her unique character that is unrepeatable and thus this attraction will last a whole lifetime, with the help of prayer, and into eternity! This is not easy when the great majority of male fish have become intoxicated, even to the point of modifying their brains, with pornography and thus are brainwashed and strongly stimulated to seek what they see in the pornographic magazines, the TV, the perfect bodies which do not exist. The girls end up trying to compete with the perfectly disguised, camouflaged and fixed-up models and end up doing extreme diets and all kinds of other body-shaping exercises. One of my nieces in California had great difficulty with anorexia!

Our Eucharistic Lord wants to be treated as a Person to be loved, NOT AS A SACRED OBJECT that is useful to create community or for other motives!!!

It is interesting to read the writings of Sister Lucy of Fatima:
At times we found little Francisco, who was hiding in order “to pray of to think”, as he would say, to the Lord, sad due to so many sins. If we asked him: - Francisco, why do you not tell me and Jacinta to pray with you? He would respond: - I like more to pray alone, to think and to console the Lord who is very sad. One day I asked him: - Francisco what pleases you more: to console the Lord or the convert sinners, so that souls do not go to hell? – I like more to console the Lord. Did you not notice how Our Lady, also last month, became so sad, when she said to not offend anymore the Lord God, who is already very offended? I would like to console the Lord and then convert the sinners so that they might not offend Him any more”.

For so many Catholics today, the first priority is man or the community, not God. Everything is upside down, for motives that seem good! Behold how “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14)!

HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE IN LOVE WITH JESUS like Blessed Francisco of Fatima, who want to console the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary? Saint Padre Pio said that Jesus will suffer until the end of the world for our sins, because for God, there is neither the past nor the future, but the eternal present. At the Holy Mass we are truly present at Calvary, the sacrifice of Jesus substantially; but how many Catholics want to discover or know this reality in order to put God at the center of the liturgy, at the center of the Holy Mass, instead of people or the community?

Blessed Francisco of Fatima, after having received Holy Communion from the Angel at Fatima, began to pass at least three hours everyday before the Tabernacle.

Pope John Paul II said in his homily at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima; Saturday, May 13, 2000:
Later Francisco, one of the three privileged children, exclaimed: "We were burning in that light which is God and we were not consumed. What is God like? It is impossible to say. In fact we will never be able to tell people". God: a light that burns without consuming. Moses had the same experience when he saw God in the burning bush; he heard God say that he was concerned about the slavery of his people and had decided to deliver them through him: "I will be with you" (cf. Ex 3: 2-12). Those who welcome this presence become the dwelling-place and, consequently, a "BURNING BUSH" of the Most High.”

The sons of this world are wiser in their own generation than the sons of light” (Lk 16:8). Satan and his followers know well the tactic to help people slowly slide in the direction according to his agenda.

"Religion does not fear the dagger’s point; but it can vanish under corruption. Let us not grow tired of corruption: we may use a pretext, such as sport, hygiene, health resorts. It is necessary to corrupt, that our boys and girls practice nudism in dress. To avoid too much reaction, one would have to progress in a methodical manner: first, undress up to the elbow; then up to the knees; then arms and legs completely uncovered; later, the upper part of the chest, the shoulders, etc. etc." (International Review on Freemasonry, 1928)

In an interview with the Sec. of Agriculture, Esra Taft Benson during the Eisenhower administration, KHRUSHCHEV said, “You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright; but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you will finally wake up and find that you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you; we will so weaken your economy UNTIL YOU FALL LIKE OVERRIPE FRUIT INTO OUR HANDS.”

From a website in Italian one finds the following in regards to MASONRY AND SEXUAL CORRUPTION:
2) “Our job is to PROMOTE A WAVE OF PORNOGRAPHY and to present it with sympathy as the supreme goal of artistic freedom” (Word of order of the Italian Communist Party).
3) “If we want to destroy a nation, WE MUST FIRST DESTROY IT’S MORALS; then it will fall in our laps as a ripe fruit. Awaken the interest of the youth for sex and it will be yours” (Lenin).

When Pope Paul VI issued his prophetic encyclical, “HUMANAE VITAE” (1968), there was an incredible negative reaction not only on the part of the laity who wanted to enjoy the pleasures of sex without any responsibility or openness to life by using artificial birth control, but even on the part of a great number of priests and bishops, even entire Episcopal conferences (e.g., the ‘Winnipeg Statement’ of the Canadian Bishops)! BEFORE 1930 ALL MAINLINE PROTESTANT DENOMINATIONS WERE IN ACCORD WITH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH that the use of artificial birth control was a grave evil and a serious sin. When the Anglican Church changed its stance in 1930 (Lambeth Conference) the other protestants churches quickly followed suit while Pope Pius XI reaffirmed the Church’s constant teaching on this grave evil in his encyclical Casti Cannubii (1930).

WHEN THE ANGLICAN CHURCH FIRST APPROVED THE USE OF CONTRACEPTION IN 1930 IT WAS ONLY FOR SERIOUS REASONS and only for married people who have been generous for life. However, by providing an opening for contraception, the qualifying phrase “for serious reason” was quickly ignored. Subsequently the use of contraception was viewed as virtuous behavior, and even the silent holocaust of abortion has become a private ethical choice of birth control. The unborn, unwanted babies no longer have any legal protection; they are now ripped to pieces after they are brutally murdered. BABIES DO NOT CHOOSE TO DIE! IS THIS NOT A GOOD EXAMPLE OF THE SLIPPERY SLOP? The former Hippocratic oath for health care workers read: “I will administer no abortafacient to a pregnant woman.” The original Hippocratic oath acknowledged that abortion was a form of doing violence not only to the child but to the woman as well. Read also: “CONTRACEPTION: WHY NOT?”. Janet Smith explains why the Catholic Church keeps insisting, in the face of the opposite position held by most of the rest of the modern world, that contraception is one of the worst inventions of our time. (

As soon as we do not see life as a precious gift but only as a convenience to ourselves, our society quickly sinks into the chaos of hell in the culture of death! When everything totally crashes and there is great suffering and confusion, the great majority will wander why! We are so blind to our fundamental egoism, pride, sloth and lack of charity which caused the catastrophe! Visit: “Prophecies of Humanae Vitae” (

Behold the agenda of the angel of light who “disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14)! Step by step – pornography, artificial birth control, abortion, euthanasia, gay unions – toward the culture of death! Behold the agenda of the angel of light working in the Church to take from us the graces of the Eucharist with the lose of faith, love and reverential humility before the “the source and summit of the Christian life”! SAINT PADRE PIO said: "It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the HOLY MASS."

Satan knows very well the principle of the slippery slope, slowly. The Gay activists after the “War Conference” in Warrenton, Virginia (February 1988), and then the book "After the Ball (1989), programmed very well how to brainwash and manipulate the American public to loose the sense of grave sin in the act of homosexuality. Visit the section: “37. The Astounding Impact of the Ruthless Manipulation of Militant Gay Activists!” (“Catholic Prophecy Today”; Over a hundred years ago the homosexual act was considered Sodomy and it was identified as an act. It still is Sodomy. It was referred to as the homosexual act. But in the 1960’s it was then conditioned. The condition of homosexuality was redefined as a condition rather than an act. It did not change, it was just redefined. What really happened here was while you can criticize an act and you can even say it is a criminal act, how do you criticize a condition that someone suffers with? How can you criticize the act that one commits who has this regrettable condition! “Can’t you be more compassionate?!?” AND THEN FROM THE CONDITION WE NOW HAVE AN IDENTITY.

This is not a new technique. In 1970, the CALIFORNIA MEDICAL JOURNAL released an article how abortion would be a very lucrative business; it was admitted in the article that indeed that if this were to be presented to the American population it would never fly because the American population would never permit the killing of a child in the womb. It was admitted in the article that everyone knows that life begins at the moment of conception. So they had to change the language; they had to change the way in which people refer to the child in the womb; they had to begin to depersonalize the child. (“Recycling Wrongs: All Over Again”;;;

In order to change those concepts you have to obfuscate, you have to change terminology, you have to change language, you have to rationalize, you have to make something abstract which God makes very clear.

Positivism” sounds like something nice and reasonable, to adapt the laws for our new times and needs. But the incredible deception is that the elected government officials and the appointed judges apply positivism individually like little dictators without letting the citizens vote on changing the laws for our new times and needs. Our founding fathers, having suffered under tyrannical governments and having seen the folly of the French Revolution, knew very well that the best constitution in the world will crumble if the citizens loose their faith and morals.

I write these things to help us understand the strategy of our enemy regarding the Eucharist. It is necessary to CHANGE THE EUCHARIST FROM THE REAL SUBSTANTIAL PRESENCE Jesus Christ in Person, to a sacred object, like a crucifix; it is necessary to take away the exterior gestures of reverential humility before the Eucharist! Satan knows very well that you cannot detach or separate the body from the heart; one ends up with less and less reverence before God also in the heart. And our Holy Mother Church knows this very well! Spoiled children say to the mother: “Be quiet Mom; we have already heard these thing, enough!” Satan uses the same strategy as in the sexual revolution, brainwashing us with the mass media that you can detach and separate the body from the heart and the mind in order to use the body for pleasure without the consequences to the person. But how is it that so many people enter into depression in our sexualized culture; three times more among the females?!?

Even Jesus Himself complained often of this loss of faith with Saint Faustina:
Oh, how painful it is to Me that souls so seldom unite themselves to Me in Holy Communion. I wait for souls, and they are indifferent toward Me. I love them tenderly and sincerely, and they distrust Me. I want to lavish My graces on them, and they do not want to accept them. They treat Me as a dead object, whereas My Heart is full of love and mercy. In order that you may know at least some of My pain, imagine the most tender of mothers who has great love for her children, while those children spurn her love. Consider her pain. No one is in a position to console her. This is but a feeble image and likeness of My love” (Diary of Saint Faustina, no. 1447).
After Communion today, Jesus told me how much He desires to come to human hearts. I desire to unite Myself with human souls; My great delight is to unite Myself with souls. Know, My daughter, that when I come to a human heart in Holy Communion, My hands are full of all kinds of graces which I want to give to the soul. But souls do not even pay any attention to Me; they leave Me to Myself and busy themselves with other things. Oh, how sad I am that souls do not recognize Love! They treat Me as a dead object. I answered Jesus, "O Treasure of my heart, the only object of my love and entire delight of my soul, I want to adore You in my heart as You are adored on the throne of Your eternal glory. My love wants to make up to You at least in part for the coldness of so great a number of souls. Jesus, behold my heart which is for You a dwelling place to which no one else has entry. You alone repose in it as in a beautiful garden. O my Jesus, farewell; I must go already to take up my tasks. But I will prove my love for You with sacrifice, neither neglecting nor letting any chance for practicing it slip by" (Diary of Saint Faustina, no. 1385).

Sister Mary Gabriel (in purgatory) communicated to Sister Mary of the Cross:
(October 3rd, 1880) “If only it were given you to understand with what scorn and indifference Jesus is treated on earth, not only by the world in general, but how He is insulted, mocked and held in derision even by those who ought to love Him. Such indifference is found even in religious communities of men and women, His chosen people, where He ought to be treated as a Friend, a Father, a spouse. Often He does not even receive the consideration shown to a stranger. This indifference is found also among the clergy, at present more than at any other time. He is treated as an equal by those who should tremble at the thought of the awful and august mission with which they have been entrusted. The most sacred reality is often treated with coldness and boredom. How many are there who have the interior spirit? I can assure you that there are but a few. Here in Purgatory the priests who are expiating their indifference and their want of love are numerous. Their culpable negligence must be atoned for in the midst of fire and torture of all kinds. You can judge from this that God who is so good and loving to all His creatures finds few who love and console Him. Alas, there are few. That is the sorrow of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the ingratitude of His own. Yet His Sacred Heart is full of overflowing love and seeks only to share it. He wants to find some souls bereft of self so as to overpower them with His love, more than He has as yet done for anyone. Oh, how little Jesus is understood on earth, and how little are His mercy and His love understood! People try to seek everything except that which gives real happiness. How pitiable!”
A Manuscript On Purgatory” (

Visit also: “A Damned Priest Warns About Hell” (

From the meditations of Cardinal Ratzinger on the “Way of the Cross” at The Colosseum (Good Friday 2005):
The Lord compares the course of his whole earthly existence to that of a grain of wheat, which only by dying can produce fruit. He interprets his earthly life, his death and resurrection from the standpoint of the Most Holy Eucharist, which recapitulates his entire mystery. He had experienced his death as an act of self-oblation, an act of love, and his body was then transfigured in the new life of the Resurrection. He, the Incarnate Word, now becomes our food, food which leads to true life, life eternal. The Eternal Word – the power which creates life – comes down from heaven as the true manna, the bread bestowed upon man in faith and in sacrament. The Way of the Cross is thus a path leading to the heart of the Eucharistic mystery: popular piety and sacramental piety of the Church blend together and become one. The prayer of the Way of the Cross is a path leading to a deep spiritual communion with Jesus; lacking this, our sacramental communion would remain empty. The Way of the Cross is thus a “mystagogical” way.”

Jesus “loved them to the end” (Jn 13:1), that is to say, to the summit of every possibility of love, because Jesus renders perpetual, today, the Sacrifice accomplished one single time on Calvary for the salvation of all: “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (Jn 15:13).

When Jesus was surrounded by the Pharisees’ snares and rejected by the mighty; when He was making his way along the roads of Galilee and Judea to announce the Good News; when He was healing the sick, pardoning sinners, and setting free the possessed; when He was awaited by the poor and consoled by the little ones… Jesus was constantly yearning to reach the fulfillment of this, his Passover. “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer” (Lk 22:15). “I have earnestly desired!” Jesus’ whole life was directed to this supreme and ineffable moment. From the incarnation in the womb of Mary to his birth, from the threatened childhood to youth, from early manhood spent in the poor house of Nazareth to his public life, each day Jesus was constantly impelled toward this moment.

Jesus perpetuates this same offering for us in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist. Because it is there we adore Jesus risen who sits at the right hand of the Father, still with the wounds of his passion, in an attitude of intercession for us. The Holy Father Benedict, at the World Youth Day at Cologne, said: “By making the bread into his Body and the wine into his Blood, He anticipates his death, he accepts it in his heart, and he transforms it into an action of love. What on the outside is simply brutal violence - the Crucifixion - from within becomes an act of total self-giving love. This is the substantial transformation which was accomplished at the Last Supper and was destined to set in motion a series of transformations leading ultimately to the transformation of the world when God will be all in all (cf. I Cor 15: 28). (August 21, 2005;

HOW DO WE LIVE OUR DAY, OUR WEEK, in view of sacrificing ourselves with Christ on the cross, humiliated, in the supreme sacrifice of Jesus, that is, in the Holy Mass?!? Do we ardently desire this (Lk 12:15)?!? Or is the Mass rather something that gives me kicks, something for me, a benefit for me, to be together with other creatures, but not to suffer with Mary at the feet of the cross where the Creator suffers for us in the eternal present?!?

Before the passion and crucifixion of Jesus, with all the different people involved, DURING THE HOLY MASS, each one of us can ask ourselves: “WHICH PERSONALITY DO I REFLECT?

In stark contrast with the “liturgical books” of the Catholic Church, on finds in
The Masonic Plan For The Destruction Of The Catholic Church” (
3. Assign the Protestant ministers to reconsider the Holy Mass and to desecrate it. Sown doubts about the Real Presence in the Eucharist and confirm that the Eucharist - with greater proximity to the Protestant faith - is only bread and wine and is intended as a pure symbol. Spread Protestants in seminaries and schools. Encourage ecumenism as the path towards unity. Accuse anyone who believes in the Real Presence as subversive and disobedient to the Church.
6. Prevent the faithful from taking Holy Communion kneeling. Tell the nuns that they must dissuade the children from keeping their hands together before and after Communion. Tell them that God loves them as they are and that they should feel completely at ease. Eliminate in the church kneeling and any genuflection. Remove the pews. Tell people that during the Mass they must show their faith in an upright position.
9 Eliminate all the hymns even those to Jesus because they make the people think of happiness and serenity that comes from the life of mortification and penance for God already from childhood. Introduce new songs only to convince people that the previous rites were somehow false. Make sure that in every Mass that there is at least one in which Jesus is not mentioned and instead speaks only of love for men. The youth will be thrilled to hear about the love of neighbor. Preach love, tolerance and unity. Do not mention Jesus, prohibit any announcements of the Eucharist.
11. Discontinue the practice of celebrating the Holy Mass in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle. Do not admit any Tabernacle on the Altars that are used for the celebration of the Holy Mass. The board should have the appearance of a kitchen table. It must be transportable to express that it is not at all sacred but must serve a dual purpose as, for example, a table for conferences or for play cards on it. Later place a chair at that table. The priest must take that position to indicate that after the Communion he rests as after a meal. The priest must never kneel during the Mass or do genuflections. At meals, in fact, no one ever kneels. The chair of the Priest must be placed in the place of the Tabernacle. Encourage the people to worship and also to adore the priest instead of the Eucharist, to obey him instead of the Eucharist. Tell the people that the priest is Christ, their leader. Place the Tabernacle in a separate room, out of sight.
14. Try to get all the personal books of piety to disappear and destroy them. As a consequence of this the Litanies of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, of the Mother of God, of St. Joseph will cease also as the preparation for Holy Communion. The thanksgiving after Communion will become superfluous as well.
29. Have the distributing of Communion done by women and lay people. You say that this is the time of the laity. Begin with giving Communion in the hand, as do the Protestants, rather than on the tongue. Explain that Christ did it the same way. Collect some hosts for "black masses" in our temples. Afterwards distribute instead of the personal Communion a cup of unconsecrated hosts that one can bring home with them. Explain to them that in this way they one can take the divine gifts into everyday life. Place automatic dispensers of hosts for communions and name these Tabernacles. Tell them that they must be exchanged peace signs. Encourage people to move into the church to interrupt devotion and prayer. Do not make Signs of the Cross; in place of it instead a sign of peace. Explain that also Christ got up to greet the Disciples. Do not allow any concentration in such moments. The Priests must turn their back to the Eucharist and honor the people.

Our culture has disconnected human life and human morality from the Author of human life and morality, and thus, as Fedor Dostoevsky put it, ALL BECOMES PERMISSIBLE, except of course the 10 Commandments and all of God’s laws! Our culture today tells us that if it feels good, if you subjectively think it is right, if it is easy and if it satisfies you in that moment, do it! Our culture has “separated freedom for the Truth” (Pope John Paul II, “Evangelium Vitae”).

Slowly, with great astuteness and subtleness, Satan leads us to disconnect the Eucharist from the Real and Substantial Presence of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. As soon as Saint John the Apostle saw the principle Celebrant of the heavenly Holy Mass, he “fell at his feed as though dead” (Rev 1:17)!

Someone in the Neocatecumenal Way told me that Kiko explained that after the Second Vatican Council many Catholics, who sought dialogue and tried to draw closer to atheists and non believers, lost their authentic faith in the Catholic Church. But how is it that one does not realize the same danger regarding the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in order to “to make it more understandable and acceptable”?

Our Lady revealed to Father Stefano Gobbi:
Jesus is the Truth because it is He – the living Word – who is the font and seal of all divine revelation. And so the ecclesiastical Masonry works to obscure his divine word, by means of natural and rational interpretations and, in the attempt to make it more understandable and acceptable, empties it of all its supernatural content. Thus errors are spread in every part of the Catholic Church itself. Because of the spread of these errors, many are moving away today from the true faith, bringing to fulfillment the prophecy which was given to you by me at Fatima: - The times will come when many will lose the true faith” (June 13, 1989).

It is lack of discipline to disregard with ease the norms which the Church has laid down for the regulation of liturgical and ecclesiastical life. Today each one tends to direct himself according to his own tastes or free choice, and with what scandalous facility are violated the norms of the Church” (February 2, 1979).

WHEN PARENTS CORRECT THEIR CHILDREN, how many children ask their parents questions in order to understand better the thought and directives of their parents in order to follow these directives better? Instead how many children have rather the attitude of “what have I done wrong”, in order to try to do as much as possible as they desire? How many neocatecumens asked me: “And so, what is it that we have not done in regard to the decree of December 1, 2005?” Or even to say that the decree is already out of date; people who speak in this way, are they truly seeking what God wants, ready to loose their ideas and their attachments, or do they want things the way they want things?!? As I wrote last month: “It is in fact the diffuse opinion among the neocatecumenals that the letter of Arinze was something provisionary, modifiable, a simple “instrumentum laboris”, and that in the end their practice will be substantially approved.” Does one trust in God or does one trust in himself? How easy it is to make little compromises (accompanied with more and more blindness) in order not to loose something to which we are attached and thus there is not the sincere desire to discover the guidance of the Holy Spirit by way of the Magisterium of the Church!?!

How strong it is the temptation to not take the risk of dialoguing or to label a person who “is not in agreement with us”, to put the person in another category, indicating his errors or sins of the past as if it were impossible to learn form our errors and to go forward?!? This means that children or parishioners must not listen to their parents or pastors, because parents and pastors have committed some errors in the past and are sinners! But who is willing to take the risk of dialoguing in seeking the reality, the truth outside of ones own head, with the foundation of the documents of the Magisterium of the Church and other documents outside of ones own head? How many want to put certain information or certain facts in a closed box and embrace the easier philosophy of life which does not lead to the Truth on the cross: “Ignorance is bliss”? The person labeled “not normal”, or a proud “bigot” (because he does not do as does the majority), but willing to open his eyes, OR THOSE INTELLIGENT AND WISE ONES (Mt 11:25; Lk 10:21) who do not want to sincerely dialogue with those who are not in agreement with themselves? “For the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God” (Rev 12:10; Job ch. 1). “The Truth will make you free!” (Jn 8:32; Jer 6:16)! How many very intelligent scientists do not believe in the existence of the Creator of the universe? How many very intelligent “Catholics” do not care about the guidance of the Magisterum of the Church?

All the words and explanations in the world cannot help to discover the wisdom of God if we have allowed ourselves to slide into compromises. Pope Benedict and Pope John Paul II could have offered more explanations about the necessity to follow faithfully the liturgical books, but if there is no obedience, if there is not trust in the Magisterium of the Church; what use is an attempt to explain the motives of a decree? If I obey only what I am in agreement, am I obeying the Magisterium of the Church or obeying myself? Saint Augustine tells us: “IT WAS PRIDE that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels. Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues.”

In this very short life, each one of us makes a fundamental choice for all eternity, to trust in God or in ourselves. In heaven there is room for one God, not two. In hell, everyone believes to be God as did the first inhabitant of hell, Lucifer (which means “carrier of light”) who became Satan, the promoter of darkness, “the father of lies” (Jn 8:44)!

I AM TRULY CONVINCED that if Kiko, Carmen and Father Mario might have trusted in God, in the Magisterium of the Church, instead of themselves, they would have helped many in the Neocatecumenal Way to not gently slide into apostasy (2Thess 2:3-4) in this period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21)!

Let us pray for each other in order to struggle everyday to discover the uncomfortable Truth from God, accompanied by the cross of Jesus on this earth, in order to arrive to the absolute Truth (“which makes us free”) in paradise for all eternity!

Father Joseph Dwight

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I OFFER HERE SOME WRITINGS AND DOCUMENT REFERENCES OF THE POPES AND OF THE SAINTS to help us under stand and appreciate more the greatness of the Eucharist, which will help us to penetrate more the wisdom of the documents of the Magisterium of the Church in regard to safeguarding the faith, love and reverential humility before the Eucharist, “the source and summit of the Christian life”.” (Vat. II: LG 11; CCC 1324).

Post-Synodal, Apostolic Exhortation, Sacramentum Caritatis, of the Holy Father Benedict XVI, to the Bishops, Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and the Lay Faithful, on the Eucharist, as the Source And Summit of the Church's Life and Mission (02-22-2007;
In Italian: “Ufficio delle Celebrazioni Liturgiche del Sommo Pontefice: Le disposizioni integrative del Cæremoniale Episcoporum al Missale Romanum” (15-06-2011;

Saint Martin de Porres: “He loved the most holy Eucharist also with complete single-mindedness, often adoring it for hours on end in the sanctuary of the church and longed to receive it as often as possible as the food of his soul.” (Office of Readings; 3 November).

Saint John of Kenty: “Each day, when he had finished his work, he would go straight from the college to the church. There before Christ present in the Eucharist he would spend long hours in prayer and contemplation. The God of whom he spoke was the same God who was in his heart.” (Breviary; Dicember 23).

Saint John Bosco would say: “Make frequent visits to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and the devil will be powerless against you”!

A Damned Priest Warns About Hell”
A mother of a family is a reparatory soul that since 27 years old, or rather from her fourteenth year, was tormented by terrible crisis of fear and periods of total insomnia. She was treated during eight sessions in the clinic, with all the modern means of medicine and psychiatry.
When, after a rigorous treatment of sleep, discharged as an unexplained case, a well-known exorcist, fortuitously met, determined that it was an irrefutable case of possession. After an exorcism which was attended by several priests, in Fontanelle - Montichiari (Brescia), angelic demons (fallen angels) and also human demons (damned men) had to make, by order of the Holy Virgin, cautionary disclosures addressed to the Church.
Since 1975, shortly after that possession was established by a famous exorcist (Father Ernest Fischer), in addition to a number of human and angelic demons (damned and demons), VERDI GARANDIEU was also forced to manifest himself. He would have exercised his priestly ministry in the seventeenth century in a village in the Pyrenees of the diocese of Tarbes. What we know of his life is known to us by the revelations that he had to make during an exorcism, April 5, 1978.
Here are some of the revelations of the damned priest:
Indifference towards the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
V: ... because I had already left the way that the Holy Spirit has indicated to me and prescribed for me! It is terribly tragic, much more than you people might be able to think about it. It is all the more tragic because a priest (crying) that no longer gives a good example and is about to leave the path of virtue draws with him a mass of people or at least a good number, and this also begins at the Mass. From beginning to end a priest does not celebrate the Holy Mass with depth and compassion if his priestly conduct is not in conformity. He will arrive even, in each case it happened to me ... (almost crying).
E: Speak the truth, Verdi Garandieu, only the truth in the name of Jesus Christ and the Most Blessed Virgin ...!
V: ... he will come to the point of feeling repugnance for the Mass, to the point of preferring that it does not exist. And yet, because he is a priest, he says it, he must celebrate it before the people. Perhaps, in my case, the Sacred Host was still consecrated, and still is with thousands and thousands of priests who still believe, because God is merciful, because the faithful come with piety in the heart, and cannot know what is in the hearts of the priests, but, but (with an exhorting voice) woe, woe ...
(“A Damned Priest Warns About Hell”;

Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti (1925-1994), a Benedictine Monk in the Abbey of Saint George Major in Venice (Italy), where he received hundreds of people each week to undergo exorcism, began to record on magnetic tapes these exorcisms, and so little by little emerged a catechesis on the devil.
Here are some revelations recorded by Father Ernetti:
B) The meal where you eat the flesh and the blood of that crucified One that I killed… It is here where I loose my battles…, it is here where I find myself disarmed… I no longer have strength to fight…, those who nourish themselves with this flesh and drink this blood become very strong against me, they become invincible against my shrewd seductions and temptations, they seem different from the others, it seems that they have a special light and a very quick intelligence… they reject me immediately and they distance themselves from me and they crush me as if I were a dog… what sadness, what pain to deal with these CANNIBALS… But I fiercely persecute them… and many go and eat that host in sin… hahaha… what happiness… what contentment… what joy… they hate their God and they eat Him, hahahaha! My victory… victory… a hurrah… How senseless are those who waste hours and hours during the day and night, kneeling TO ADORE A PIECE OF BREAD hidden in a box on the altar of that false God. How much these people anger me! They destroy all my works that I obtain through so many sacrilegious Christians, priests, sisters and bishops… How many sacrileges I continually reap, it is my incessant victory… How much pain… How much rage these irrational adorations…!”

(in contrast with our presumption!)

March 21, 1935. Often during Mass, I see the Lord in my soul; I feel His presence which pervades my being. I sense His divine gaze; I have long talks with Him without saying a word; I know what His divine Heart desires, and I always do what will please Him the most. 1 love Him to distraction, and I feel that I am being loved by God. At those times when I meet with God deep within myself, I feel so happy that I do not know how to express it. Such moments are short, for the soul could not bear it for long, as separation from the body would be inevitable. Though these moments are very short, their power, however, which is transmitted to the soul, remains with it for a very long time. Without the least effort, I experience the profound recollection which then envelops me-and it does not diminish even if I talk with people, nor does it interfere with the performance of my duties. I feel the constant presence of God without any effort of my soul. I know that I am united with Him as closely as a drop of water is united with the bottomless ocean” (Diary of Saint Faustina; no. 411).

St. Therese of Lisieux:
I am just a speck of dust, but I want to make my dwelling in the shadow of the sanctuary with the prisoner of love. My soul longs for the host; I love Him and want nothing more. It is a hidden God who attracts me. I am the atom of Jesus Christ.”

THE SECRET OF MARY by St.Louis de Montfort
37. 3. Consecrating ourselves in this way to Jesus through Mary implies placing our good deeds in Mary's hands. Now, although these deeds may appear good to us, they are often defective, and not worthy to be considered and accepted by God, before whom even the stars lack brightness. Let us pray, then, to our dear Mother and Queen that having accepted our poor present, she may purify it, sanctify it, beautify it, and so make it worthy of God. Any good our soul could produce is of less value to God our Father, in winning his friendship and favor, than a worm-eaten apple would be in the sight of a king, when presented by a poor peasant to his royal master as payment for the rent of his farm. But what would the peasant do if he were wise and if he enjoyed the esteem of the queen? Would he not present his apple first to her, and would she not, out of kindness to the poor man and out of respect for the king, remove from the apple all that was maggoty and spoilt, place it on a golden dish, and surround it with flowers? Could the king then refuse the apple? Would he not accept it most willingly from the hands of his queen who showed such loving concern for that poor man? "If you wish to present something to God, no matter how small it may be," says St Bernard, "place it in the hands of Mary to ensure its certain acceptance".”

In Italian, you can also visit articles that I have posted:

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I, Father Joseph, received this email, February 23, 2015, from a neocatecumen in a community that I help out from 2005 to 2015.

Dear Father Joe,
Do you think to carry forth your pastoral mission instead of continuing to spread these inaccuracies by way of Facebook and by way of email, and to pass so much time in the digital world….. you do not share our Way… you are free to do so … remember though how you helped us for years and this instrument, in the hands of the CHURCH, helped you for years … you are such an intelligent person that you are not able to see the good that this Way produces in the people and in the ordained persons and also in the church … I wish you a good pilgrimage of life, hoping to see you again soon …
Peace, David

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The reply of Father Joseph Dwight:

Dear David,

Thank you for your email. I thank you also for your concern for me and for others.

But I am sorry that you do as so many others, to not want to consider another point of view in a true dialogue, with the true motive of seeking the truth together, with trust in our Holy Mother Church. Every morning for the Office of Readings, we pray the Invitatory Psalm which invites us to trust in God and it reminds us of all the benefits of God and to “listen to his voice! Harden not your hearts as at Meribah, as on that day at Massah in the desert…”! How easy it is to do as the Israelites, with harden hearts!

A great number of people in ecclesial movements are attached to feeling important or fulfilled or to be part of an important movement in the Church, and do not want to consider any other point of view or another explanation; they want to defend at all costs their group and their movement and their experience.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger said on May 27 1998: “… THERE IS MANIFESTED MANY DANGERS, as well as the ways of overcoming, in the (ecclesial) Movement. THERE IS THE THREAT OF UNILATERALITY which leads to exaggerating the specific mandate which has its origin in a given period or in strength of a particular charism … is a fact THAT CAN LEAD TO ABSOLUTIZING ones own movement, which ends up identifying itself with the Church herself, to understand itself as the way for all while in fact this one way can be made known in different ways.” (

THERE IS A STRONG TENDENCY FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE ECCLESIAL MOVEMENTS TO “ABSOLUTIZING ONES OWN MOVEMENT” especially today when we find ourselves more than ever in a social, cultural and spiritual crisis at all levels. But we priests must seek that maturity to not run from this lack of maturity which suffocates the life which is there, but to stand with Mary at the foot of the cross, waiting with patience and with our example, their Christian maturity. One makes a journey of faith and maturity together, each respecting the role and vocation of the other. (see also:

I have come to realize that the more time a person is in the Neocatecumenale Way, very often the more one become habituated to feel important in the Church and before other people in the Church, and less willing to go with Jesus in the direction of finishing life totally humiliated on the cross.

I wrote in an article, more than a year ago, that upset several catechists of the Neocatecumenale Way:
When one reads the diary of Saint Faustina, one sees that while she progressed in union with Jesus, she was MORE AND MORE AWARE OF HER MISERY, and at the same time more trustful in the mercy of God with much gratitude toward God for this inestimable gift of His mercy! Instead, very often, the more that we go forward in an ecclesial movement or in or priestly ministry, we believe to be less pitiful and more worthy to stand before God and men. And when a person does not do what he must do according to our criteria as leaders in an ecclesial movement o as a pastor of a parish, instead of trying to understand the situation and the motives of the person, who often we treat this person badly, very badly. Is this the way to love our neighbor as ourselves? What remains after death for all eternity, a great work that we believe to have done or our personal virtue? Saint Bonaventure and many other saints tell us that without humility there is not virtue, and there is also spiritual blindness! (Visit also in Italian: “Il Dio Infinito Fra Noi”;

Do we want to help each other reciprocally to seek what God wants in this situation, or do we only want to label (“digital world”) each other in order not to listen to one another so as not to consider what one says or writes, and to defend our position at all costs?

God can reveal the truth in the dense fog by way of people that God chooses, often with instruments who are small and humble and with less intelligence. “For I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children to Abraham” (Mt 3:9).

Why did you not have the courage to enter into what I had written, some phrase that I wrote, and to explain to me that a phrase that I wrote was not in harmony with a document of the Magisterium of the Church, instead of criticizing everything in a general way? This would be a mature way, a true act of love for me and for others! If one writes: “to pass so much time in the digital world”, is this not a general judgment, diversion to lead us further away from the fundamental discourse in order not to confront that which we do not want to confront in a dialogue (also by email) based on the documents of the Church? Or to write: “to carry forth your pastoral mission instead of continuing to spread these inaccuracies by way of Facebook and by way of email”. But do you have the courage to explain “these inaccuracies” not according to relativism of your head or of others around you, but according to the documents of the Magisterium of the Church, and the writings of the popes and of the saints? You were very concerned because I put my article on Facebook, but for you is the Truth important for you? What is more important, to defend the importance, the prestige of your group, or to defend and to follow the Truth which is crucified on the cross?

You, like so many others, do not want to consider the possibility of the seriousness of the situation, today in the Church and in the world, as well as the situation of the Neocatecumenal Way. After having written quite a bit in my two previous emails, I finished the second email with the phrase:
I AM TRULY CONVINCED that if Kiko, Carmen and Father Mario might have trusted in God, in the Magisterium of the Church, instead of themselves, they would have helped many in the Neocatecumenal Way to not gently slide into apostasy (2Thess 2:3-4) in this period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21)!”

In an article, to which I made reference, one finds the seriousness of the situation according to Pope Benedict:
“ROME, April 11, 2012 – With a letter written personally to Cardinal William J. Levada, Benedict XVI has ordered the congregation for the doctrine of the faith to examine whether the Neocatechumenal Masses are or are not in keeping with the liturgical teaching and practice of the Catholic Church.”
Benedict XVI has been ALARMED for some time about the particular ways in which the communities of the Neocatechumenal Way celebrate their Masses, on Saturday evening, in separate locations.”
“In reality, the danger feared by Benedict XVI and by many bishops – as demonstrated by the many complaints that have been made to the Vatican – is that the particular ways in which the Neocatechumenal communities all over the world celebrate their Masses may introduce into the Latin liturgy a new de facto "rite" artificially composed by the founders of the Way, foreign to the liturgical tradition, full of doctrinal ambiguities and a source of division in the community of the faithful.”

As I had included in my last email:
Also Pope John Paul II gave the same recall to the Neocatecumens:
Celebrate the Eucharist and, above all, Easter, with true piety, with great dignity, with love for the liturgical rites of the Church, with exact observance of the established norms by the competent authority, with the will of communion with all the brothers…” (In Italian: Osservatore Romano, 11 febbraio 1983;

According to you David, these two popes, John Paul II and Benedict, they are not very enlightened or not guided by the Holy Spirit or they have even made a mistake because they both said to the neocatecumens to observe the established norms, the liturgical books, with fidelity as is required of all the other Catholics in the whole world?

How easy it is for us to put this “great urgency”, this “alarm” of Pope Benedict into the category of an exaggeration of Pope Benedict or of others like Father Joe. Are we attached to something that we want and thus we are not willing to consider another point of view, even from the Vicar of Christ! Do we believe to be above the guidance of the Catholic Church? Do we use all of our intelligence in order to justify our position without taking the risk to have a true dialogue, seeking the truth without personal attachments, putting on the table the documents of the Magisterium of the Church, and the writings of the popes and of the saints? When we are attached to something that we do not want to loose, very often we ask questions not to learn something from someone who is not in agreement with us, but rather to put in place the other person according to our thought or idea, as did the Pharisees with Jesus with the questions (the snares). This is how so many lawyers do in order to defend their client at all costs, without seeking the truth, without considering the possibility that the client is not saying the truth. I met here in Italy one of the lawyers of the famous trial case in California more than twenty years ago, of O.J. Simpson. What a spectacle on American TV everyday for several months; what a mockery of justice!

Reading your email, I do not believe you are willing, like so many others, to consider the point of view of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict to “follow faithfully the liturgical books” for the whole Church, and even less, to obey the Magisterium of the Church. If the founders of the movement do not obey the Magisterium of the Church, the Neocatecumenal Way is not as you wrote: “this instrument, in the hands of the CHURCH” if the founders obey only that which they are in agreement with the Magisterium of the Church! I have a very strong impression, after having helped out the neocatechumens for ten years, that what Kiko says is much more important than what the Magisterium of the Church says for the great majority of the neocatecumens, just like their leader, Kiko!

The great majority of Catholics today see religion, the parish, the pastor, ecclesial movements, as something that might be useful for themselves, rather than something that might help them to discover the will of God and to help them to do the will of God! Thus they are looking in the wrong direction, they are not interested in a point of view that does not lead them to what they want! Without a fundamental change in direction, without a fundamental change in where they put their trust (in ourselves or in God), all the books and documents of the Church will not help people to realize that they are not living the “Our Father”: “Thy will be done”, not mine!

God said to Moses: “Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you… that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law or not. … I have heard the murmurings of the people of Israel…” (Ex 16:4,11). The people of Israel murmured even after God gave them bread from heaven, as so many Catholics do not respect the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. After the resurrection of Jesus, God speaks by way of the Magisterium of the Church. There has been more murmurings against the Magisterium of the Church in the last 50 years (Humanae Vita, Memoriale Domini!) than ever before in the history of the Church. It is very interesting what Saint Francis of Assisi prophesied:
2. The power of the demons will be greater than usual, the immaculate purity of our religious community and of others, will withered to the point that very few Christians will want to obey the true Sovereign Pontiff and the Roman Church with a sincere heart and perfect charity. At the decisive moment of this crisis, a personage not canonically elected, raised to the Pontificate, will endeavor to administer shrewdly to many the mortal poison of his error.” (

I repeat the urgency, and the great danger:
I AM TRULY CONVINCED that if Kiko, Carmen and Father Mario might have trusted in God, in the Magisterium of the Church, instead of themselves, they would have helped many in the Neocatecumenal Way to not gently slide into apostasy (2Thess 2:3-4) in this period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21)!”

Cardinal Ivan Dias often cited the phrase of Pope John Paul II: “We are standing before today the greatest fight that humanity has ever seen. I do not believe that the Christian community has totally understood this. We are today before the FINAL CONFRONTATION between the Church and the anti-Church, between the Gospel and the anti-Gospel” (

Strongly surrounded by the atmosphere of relativism today, it is easy to let our hearts to become attached to so many things, not only material, but also our importance before other creatures, and thus we have learned many ways to put aside the writings of the Magisterium of the Church and of the saints and of the popes, in order to justify: “Ignorance is bliss”!
Our Lady at Akita, Japan, said (October 13, 1973):
The work of the devil will infiltrate even the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against other bishops. … The Church will be full of those who accept compromise …” (

I understand this “great urgency”, this “alarm” of Pope Benedict! This is why I also put my article on Facebook. With every member of the Neocatecumenal Way, going door to door for two years in their formation, the Neocatecumenal Way has grown quickly, precisely within the Church, but without obedience to the Church, to the Magisterium of the Church. The way of celebrating the Holy Mass is fundamental (“Lex orandi, lex credenda”!)! If one obeys the liturgical books of the Church, one maintains and one helps to grow the cult of God; if one does not obey the liturgical books of the Church, one slowly goes, in an imperceptible way, toward the cult of man, which is the fundamental strategy of the prince of the world, Satan!

David, you wrote: “you are such an intelligent person that you are not able to see the good that this Way produces in the people and in the ordained persons and also in the church”. And so according to you, Pope Benedict and Pope John Paul II are at least a little crazy and not balanced, as you believe to be, and do not see things in the right way? According to you, Satan is no longer able to “disguise himself as an angel of light”, or perhaps Satan converted?!? The masters of spirituality have always explained to us that this “angel of light always offers us at least 90% of the truth to destroy us, like a drop of poison in a nice glass of red wine; otherwise who would fall into his traps?!? Behold the importance of obedience to the Magisterium of the Church!

According to you David, the truth is established by the majority of the people in the group or by the Catholics or by God? And if you respond by God, how can one discover the truth? By the vote of the people, or by the polls, or …??? You as a Catholic, why did Jesus found a Church? Of what use is the Magisterium of the Church, according to you, or according to the great majority of the Catholics today? “Who do men say…?”
Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do men say that the Son of man is?" And they said, "Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." And Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, * and on this rock * I will build my church, and the powers of death * shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven”." (Mt 16:13-19).
The “men” had an opinion, but the first pope, Peter, did not offer an opinion. Why David do you believe more the opinions of the people in the community, or the other catechists, or even the founders of the Neocatecumenal Way, more than the Magisterium of the Church???

I come from the United States where there are more than 30,000 independent protestant groups who believe in the same Jesus Christ, the same God, but interpret the same Bible in different ways, often in contradictory ways. Do you believe David that Jesus did not know about this problem? Do you believe that Jesus who said to us that the “Truth shall set you free”, who said that “I am the Truth”, that Jesus did not offer the possibility for those of good will to discover and to live the Truth who is Jesus Christ? Behold the Magisterium of the Church!

David, after 15 years in the Way, you have heard many catechesis, you gave many catechesis, but after everything, for you, of what use is the Church, what is the Church? The documents are only a collection of opinions??? The Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults is only a summary of many opinions gathered together in 2000 years?!?

If the authority of the Church, as God intended, matters very little to you, that which I wrote matters even less to you. I can make many references to the documents of the Church, but we do not realize how far we have slid into the atmosphere of relativism which totally surrounds us today. Relativism is like acid rain, which destroys everything, and we do not realize how far we have slid into relativism without a lot of sincere prayer, in true humility, with the help of our Eucharistic Lord and Mary. You have your opinion and I have mine, and the Church has her opinion, and each pope has his opinion. We are all happy and full of exuberance! But if all is relative, then also relativism is relative, an inherent contradiction! There is no longer the absolute Truth; how nice, what freedom; we are free from the absolute Truth! And thus the documents are not important. God must change according to what the world wants in each epoch. Surrounded by this atmosphere of relativism, I understand why you think something is missing in the brain of Father Joe, a little stupid, or he has lost some balance in his closure in the “digital world”, because Father Joe makes references to the documents of the Church when the whole world today is totally into relativism and thus everything changes as we wish. G.K. Chesterton wrote: “We do not need a Church that is moved by the world, but a Church that moves the world.”
On “The World Over April 9, 2010: George Weigel & Frank Cottrell Boyce” (, George Weigel said: “Christianity, and specifically the Catholic Church, is the last obstacle still standing on the chess board to a sweep of the board by the forces of what Pope Benedict called the dictatorship of relativism. The marriage question is engaged here, life issues are engaged here. This is all of a piece…”

If a person does not do as the huge herd running in the world of relativism, toward the cult of man, then he is labels outside of the world, “not politically correct”. But God is outside of the world, and how can we discover the mentality of God when our criteria is based on what the majority of the people think, above all today in the most wicked generation in the history of the world? According to you David, all of the hermits are crazy because they detached themselves from the mentality of the world? How many times in history the world drifted far from God but some saint succeeded in escaping from the “wicked generation (Mt 17:17; Lk 9:41), precisely to save himself and that wicked generation?!? GOD IS NEEDED! Saint Anthony, Abbot, went into the desert; Saint Benedict went to Subiaco; Saint Francis went to Laverna! According to the mentality of the world, they are all crazy because they did not embrace the mentality of the world? After my decision to no longer celebrate a Mass not approved by the Magisterium of the Church, a few people telephoned me to ask me how I was. When I responded well, they asked me if that is the truth, with an attitude or even the hope that I was not doing ok, because how is this possible since I am detached from their special group!?! They must convince themselves that Father Joe is not well in order to justify not listening to what I want to say and their way of doing things. The cult of man! Is not my desert, my Subiaco, my Laverna, my Mount Tabor, an hour everyday before the infinite God in the Tabernacle, one hour beyond the time of the Holy Mass and of the Liturgy of the Hours? The saints passed as much time as possible before the infinite God in the Tabernacle! If God is not before the neighbor, the love that we believe to have for the neighbor is totally human love, nothing divine!

It seems to me that to have lived in two cultures, with two languages, helps a lot to open ones mental horizons, to be able to see the culture of origin from another point of view and to be able to see another culture from the point of view of the first culture. So many insecure people do not listen to another point of view but rather criticize, and even condemn, those who do not think like they do! When we have an experience of only one ecclesial movement there is the great tendency and danger of “absolutizing ones own moment” and to judge everything from one point of view! Archbishop Fulton Sheen, commenting on the Magi and the pastors at the birth of Our Lord, said that the Magi read many books and thus understood that they did not know everything; the people who have read only one book believe to know everything!

Are the saints who left the world all crazy and full of pride according to you, David, because they did not follow the mentality of the world, the herd that stampedes with the cult of man, because they entered into another type of “digital world”, and then they were criticized and condemned by the world? My aunt, Mother Agnes of Divine Love, a cloistered nun, Carmelite, was not prudent or wise according to the people of the world? The world says that these nuns do not concretely contribute something to the world, and thus they have wasted their lives, which are not worth anything! But to the contrary, the Church says that the life of prayer and penance and sacrifice, like the Carmelite nuns, is the higher vocation! But all the saints had in common humility and obedience to the Magisterium of the Church, not to themselves and neither to a group that does not obey the Magisterium of the Church!!!

Behold “What the devil dislikes”:
F) “I am very vexed by those little servants with the head covered who abandon all and everything in order to close themselves within four walls, in order to sacrifice all that is beautiful and good for that God that only I have succeeded in defeating… Day and night they mortify themselves with night prayers and reckless and insubstantial fasting, they do not sleep sufficiently, they do not eat according to the needs of the appetite and of the body which demands the necessary diet, they do not speak freely anywhere and always… taciturn… sulky looking… full of sadness, the most inhuman… they pray, they sing and all this sacrifice they do for who? For what particular motive, for what ends, for what results? Fortunately the vast majority are not very intelligent… dull witted… lacking in willpower who let themselves be dragged in by some dissatisfied priests… poor sissies who do not know the true pleasure of sex with all of its relative pleasures…! Poor little servants, who have never felt the sensations of the flesh, by way of intercourse and by the kisses of my men…! And yet how many of them I cause to fall, I reduce them to a wretched life, sterile, deprived of all fervor, throwing them into the greatest lukewarmness… Yes, I butcher them… because above all I fear the cloistered ones… I fear greatly…! They are my most terrible and well-trained enemies, they rip from my hands so many souls of every sex, of every class and condition… What terrible enemies… when they begin to pray for the conversion of a soul to snatch from me, they no longer stop, no longer… no longer… they are tenacious and obstinate! And then if it is not enough the long and exhausting prayers to their false crucified God, who they shamelessly call their SPOUSE, they then begin with the arduous penances of every type… what enemies… what storm troopers! I have tried many times to diminish the vocations to this stupid life… but unfortunately I have not yet succeeded… there are still too many stupid little and foolish women, even though many times they have college degrees… What enemies…!” (“Likes and Dislikes of the Devil”;

I realize that my two previous emails that I already sent are worth very little for the great majority of people in the Catholic Church and in the Neocatecumenal Way, and among a great number of priests and bishops today who no longer obey the Magisterium of the Church. Because by now, totally surrounded by the atmosphere of relativism, like the air we breath, the documents of the Magisterium of the Church do not count for much at all! What then is our criteria of discernment, if not the Magisterium of the Church?!? If we put aside the law of God explained in its fullness in the documents of the Church, who wins the argument or establishes the law of the land? The strongest one!?! Behold the “dictatorship of relativism”, as Pope Benedict told us!

The devil leads us to look at the exterior things only, which become a distraction, a diversion, so as not to look at the interior content, to not look at everything from the point of view of the Creator of the universe. Thus one does not consider what the person is trying to say, but one looks at how the person is not like the others, he is not normal (like all the prophets!), he must have a problem, he has made mistakes in the past, so it is not taken into consideration what the person is trying to say. But normally God chooses the most ill-fated to do His work for two reasons: 1) only God could have done this with such a miserable instrument, 2) God works only in the humble because the humble trust in God, they make room inside of themselves for God instead of for themselves, and thus they become instruments of God and not of themselves!

“Cursed is the man who trusts in man… Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord” (Jer 17:5,7)!

The devil plays the same game of distractions, of diversion regarding the Church, disseminating slander and lies; he shows us only the sinners in the Church and in the history of the Church – the scandals of some priests, the false presentation of the crusades – so that the people do not arrive at the content, that is, God has given us a guide, a Church made up of sinners, not by perfect angels from heaven, as the critics believe to be! One of the fundamental trials for each one of us is to seek out and find the pearl of great price (Mt 13:46), the “hidden treasure” (Mt 13:44) inside the Church, not withstanding all the filth around that pearl, that treasure, that diamond inside the box often covered with the excrements of the sinners and of the scandals! The protestants and the sects believe to be better, more perfect, and thus have refused the true Church and have lost the fullness of the means of sanctification, the sacraments and especially the Eucharist, and the fullness of the truth with the guidance of the Magisterium of the Church (Lumen Gentium 8) made up of fragile and weak men. One of the strongest proofs that the Catholic Church is the true Church is precisely this, that notwithstanding all the negative things outside and inside the Church, she is still here on the earth after 2000 years, with the Truth that does not change! How else could Jesus assure us that “the Truth shall set you free” (Jn 8:32), or “I am the Truth” (Jn 14:6)?!? It is very important to study the true history! Only God could do this miracle. When Napoleon said to a cardinal that he will destroy the Church, the cardinal responded: “If we bishops have not succeeded in destroying the Church in 1900 years, how do you think you can do it?” The Mass is valid even if the priest is a great sinner and in the state of mortal sin. But the people, again, look at the exterior, and many do not go to the Mass of that priest, even though in that Mass the bread and wine become the Body and the Blood of Jesus Christ, while the poor priest, not repentant, commits a personal sacrilege! When Saint Francis met a scandalous priest, he did not reprimand that priest as the people expected, but he knelt down before that poor priest, kissed his hands, and said to the people around him that from these hands I receive my Lord in the Eucharist and the pardon of my sins”! After this, that poor priest sent away the women in his house and converted with much penance.

Seventy years ago, many Catholics trusted the Church without explanation. Now we must, with great effort, rediscover that God gave us only one Church to guide us in the “dour combat” (CCC 409) of life, in this “valley of tears”, in this “cold and dense fog” in the Catholic Church, provoked by the father of lies (Jn 8:44) who sows many deceptions and lies continuously, as an “angel of light” (2Cor 11:14). The Israelites abandoned God many times, and every once in a while they surrendered to the man of God that God had given them, that is, the judges and the prophets. In the book of Judges alone, the Israelites went through this cycle of abandoning and returning to God seven times!

Our Lady revealed to Father Stefano Gobbi (02-09-1985): “Darkness, with A THICK, COLD FOG, has entered the Church, obscuring it in the splendor of its truth. For this reason, every day, my word is forming you to the spirit of wisdom, that you may always see, in the light, the truth which my Son has taught you and proclaim it with courage to all in its integrity.”

From some crevice, the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God (Pope Paul VI; June 29, 1972;

Certainly there are the sects. But according to the world today, totally immersed into relativism, almost all of the saints had the sectarian mentality, because their gaze was totally and continuously turned to God. Look at how many saints left the world to find God! How many people, according to their personal vocation, do not have this courage because human respect is so important to them. “If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” (Lk 14:26). Jesus is very demanding, more than any other founder of a religion because Jesus is God and can offer heaven! The world believes that Jesus is truly crazy, a fundamentalist, according to the mentality today.

In a certain sense it is a miracle to get to paradise, because it is necessary to detach oneself from the mentality of the world (Jn 17:6; Rm 12:2) which means to not go along with the vast majority. There is always the temptation to judge others who do not believe as we do. But Jesus is radical! There is no doubt! According to the world all of the true Christians are in a cult because Jesus asks for everything, even to loose our friends and relatives. And even to be despised as a egotist and crazy person by the people who surround us. We are truly in the times when the true followers of Christ will be killed in the name of God. “Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God” (Jn 16:2; Mt 24:9)!

6. Those who preserve their fervor and adhere to virtue with love and ZEAL FOR THE TRUTH, will suffer injuries and, persecutions as rebels and schismatics; for their persecutors, urged on by the evil spirits, will say they are rendering a great service to God by destroying such pestilent men from the face of the earth. But the Lord will be the refuge of the afflicted, and will save all who trust in Him. And in order to be like their Head, [Christ] these, the elect, will act with confidence, and by their death will purchase for themselves eternal life; choosing to obey God rather than man, they will fear nothing, and they will prefer to perish rather than consent to falsehood and perfidy.” (“The “Prophecy” of Saint Francis (Assisi)”;

And so, if it is difficult to distinguish between people who are in the cults not of God and those who truly follow Jesus totally even to the point of despising the world and even their life, who can help us to distinguish the difference, the right path? The opinion of the majority of the people? If we throw out the guidance of the Magisterium of the Church, what do you offer me David to help me to discern, to distinguish between good and evil? Your opinion? The descision of a founder of a movement? What does 2000 years of history tell us when there were moments and situations similar to what we see today in the Church?

The devil has worked hard to undermine authority, non only that of the Church but also of parents, so that children follow the mentality of the world, not of the parents. But who is the prince of the world (Jn 12:31; 14:30)? If the devil has led us to not care about the documents of the Church nor the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults, we will be formed by who, by which group? In the end there is only heaven or hell for all eternity! In heaven there is the Truth (Jn 14:6); in hell there is “the father of lies” (Jn 8:44)!

DAVID, HOW CAN WE DISCERN IN THIS SITUATION, THE NEOCATECUMENAL MASS? Behold the fundamental question! What are the fundamental guide posts? Have we slowly embraced the agenda of Freemasonry to throw out the absolute Truth so that the Freemasonry can form our brains, and to lead us where their head, Satan, decides? If we do not have the anchor of the Church, the guidance of the Church which explains to us the Truth of God which does not change, then where are we going, how do we decide things, how can we discern good or evil, for our true good, and for the good of our children and of the society? Without this anchor in the great storm on the sea of life, this “dour combat” (CCC 409), where is our little boat of our life going, or the boat of our community, or the boat of an ecclesial movement? Is there a better anchor than the Magisterium of the Church, David? The Church is not the Author of Truth but the handmaid of Truth!

David, are you trying to discover together what Jesus wants, or what you want, and therefore you do not want to have an open and sincere dialogue with the risk of discovering something that you do not want? I am not saying that I have all the answers in my pocket, and neither are you saying this. But I am saying “dialogue” as Pope John Paul II encouraged us many times to do. A sincere dialogue is to not ask questions to put in line the other person according to our head and without reference to the documents of the Magisterium of the Church, but rather to allow each one to offer his thoughts based on documents and on reality, not according to relativism, of which Pope Benedict said that it is "the most profound difficulty of our time”.

In his homily at the Mass preceding the conclave that quickly elected him Pope Benedict XVI, then Cardinal Ratzinger said: “Today, having a clear faith based on the Creed of the Church IS OFTEN LABELED AS FUNDAMENTALISM. Whereas relativism, that is, letting oneself be "tossed here and there, carried about by every wind of doctrine", seems the only attitude that can cope with modern times. We are building a dictatorship of relativism that does not recognize anything as definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely of one's own ego and desires.” (;

To some parishioners who grumble because I do not preach or bless a Christianity without the cross of which they are used to, I say: “If I preach according to my head and not according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults, I, Father Joe, will go to hell, and I will not go to hell for anyone!” Today, more than ever, there are a great number of priests who do not preach according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults and they risk going very deeply into hell, and they lead with them many souls, all those who believed and lived their easier and more comfortable lies. This is exactly what Our Lady had Saint Michael the Archangel communicate at Garabandal, Spain, in 1965, precisely when there was a great rebellion at all levels of the Church against Humanae Vitae! The family is the fundamental cell of society and from which every human person has his origins. Behold the fundamental attack of our enemy, who wants to destroy us! If one parent encourages the children to follow Christ’s commandments with the cross, and the other parent says that this is not necessary because God loves you, who will the children follow? The easier way! If one priest in a zone of 10 priests preaches the whole Gospel, without remaining silent about the more difficult parts of the Gospel explained by the Magisterium of the Church, which priest will the people follow, and which priest will the people criticize?

A great number of people are on broad road, “covered with sand and flowers, full of joy, music and all sorts of pleasures. People walked along it, dancing and enjoying themselves. They reached the end without realizing it. And at the end of the road there was a horrible precipice; that is, the abyss of hell. The souls fell blindly into it; as they walked, so they fell. And their number was so great that it was impossible to count them. And I saw the other road, or rather, a path, for it was narrow and strewn with thorns and rocks; and the people who walked along it had tears in their eyes, and all kinds of suffering befell them. Some fell down upon the rocks, but stood up immediately and went on. At the end of the road there was a magnificent garden filled with all sorts of happiness, and all these souls entered there. At the very first instant they forgot all their sufferings” (Diary of Saint Faustina, no. 153). “Today, I was led by an Angel to the chasms of hell… But I noticed one thing: that most of THE SOULS THERE ARE THOSE WHO DISBELIEVED THAT THERE IS A HELL” (Diary, 741) (

Ignorance is bliss”! But if one does like this one does not unmask the “angel of light” (2Cor 11:14), one does not go toward true liberty, because the uncomfortable truth sets us free, not the truth according to our heads of relativism, or according to the world, that is, according to the prince of this world, Satan (Jn 12:31; 14:30)!

Take courage David, seek the uncomfortable truth by way of dialogue even with those who are not in agreement with you!

Do we want reality and the truth as we want it, or do we confront reality as the reality is, and as the truth is, as do mature adults?!? Unfortunately, the devil has ferociously attacked, in a very underhanded and sly way, the fathers of the families, the priests and the bishops, to lead them to not live their vocation from God, as men, to not be ready to offer the uncomfortable truth on the cross, to not be ready to sacrifice themselves for their wives, for their families, for their parishes, for their dioceses, for the society and for the whole world. And thus many youth and adults today did not have a father or a pastor as an evangelical model, like Jesus, in order to assimilate and to imitate this male model of God in the period of formation especially as a child up to 12 years of age, when the child is fundamentally formed. The television today presents males as misfits, wimps, and cowards, and it strongly pushes us to be “politically correct”, but not correct according to Divine Revelation, not according to a true man of God! Today there is greatly lacking personal discipline to be able to seek and to do and to proclaim the crucified Truth, and to be ready to remain alone on the cross with Jesus abandoned, or at the foot of the cross with Mary desolate, for the true good of others, for the redemption of the world!

Dear David, for your own good I write these things. How many children, today more than ever, did not have a father who loved his children enough to discipline his children? It was recounted on EWTN (TV) that a man in prison for more than 20 years said that his Dad did not love him because his Dad never gave him discipline as a true father, who loves his children (Heb 12:6; Prov 3:12). Children often rebel at discipline from Dad, but children do not respect a Dad who does not discipline his children.

The Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton Sheen used to say: “The truth is the truth even if no one believes it; error is error even if everyone believes it”! The films 60 years ago often gave us this evangelical model of a man, for example, the sheriff in the film: “High Noon” (1952)! Many fake being true males but only up to the point that they do not have to loose something to which they have let their hearts become attached to, especially, the glory before people, slowly sliding into blindness with each compromise in order to defend these attachments. The most true Man was totally humiliated on the cross 2000 years ago; this is the model of the authentic man which today the world, which surrounds us and influences us, does not at all understand, as so many Catholics today! Also how many wives have not put God, the Truth, before her husband or her mother or any other person or thing (Mt 10:37; Lk 14:26)?

The reality today is so overwhelming that without God it is impossible to confront the reality and the truth as it is! Behold the fundamental necessity of humility before the Eucharist with the help of Mary, because without humility, God does not help us, He goes away from us! Jesus said to Saint Faustina: “The greatest misery does not stop Me from uniting Myself to a soul, but where there is pride, I am not there” (Diary, no. 1563). But with God, all is possible (Mt 19:26), even to act as men of God, even if we have not received this formation from our Dad as children.

Dear David, life is tough! It is tough for everyone today because so many Catholics did not pray in the last decades and we have arrived to this point, the period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21)!

But as other saints tell us for these our times, Sister Lucy of Fatima said to Father Agostino Fuentes, the postulator of the cause of beatification of Giacinta e Francesco (December 26, 1957): “Father, it is urgent that we realize this terrible reality. We do not want to fill the souls with fear, but only it is urgent a recall to reality. From when the Holy Virgin gave such a great efficaciousness to the Rosary, there does not exist any material, spiritual, national or international problem that cannot be resolved with THE HOLY ROSARY AND WITH OUR SACRIFICES. To recite it with devotion will be to consol Mary and to wipe away so many tears from her Immaculate Heart. … Our Lady expressly said: “We are approaching the end times”.”

SAINT PADRE PIO said: "It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the HOLY MASS." This saint also said: “The ROSARY is the weapon for these times”!

Saint Louis de Montfort, in his book “True Devotion to Mary” (no. 47), wrote:
I said that this will happen especially towards the end of the world, and indeed soon, because Almighty God and his holy Mother are to raise up great saints who will surpass in holiness most other saints as much as the cedars of Lebanon tower above little shrubs. This has been revealed to a holy soul whose life has been written by M. de Renty.”

So David, take courage. Spend as much time as possible on your knees before the infinite God in the tabernacle with the Rosary, and “there does not exist any material, spiritual, national or international problem that cannot be resolved”!

Rest assured of my prayers and sacrifices for you.

Father Joseph Dwight

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After having stopped celebrating the Holy Mass with a neocatecumenal community in January 2015, I received an email from a neocatecumen for which I celebrated the Holy Mass for his community for 10 years, from 2005 to January 2015. I then responded to his emails. This document is in Italian:
“Caro Jonathan – Neocatecumeno”

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Spiritual Food 1508

La liturgy is a gift to be received in humility, not something we construct for ourselves, not a fabrication”!

The last week of last June, I participated in the International Spiritual Exercises, at Collevalenza – Sanctuary of Merciful Love (Madre Speranza), June 22-27, 2015. A whopping four meditations were dedicated to the theme of the Eucharist and how Satan, at all costs, wants to take away or destroy the faith, love and humility before the Eucharist. If I find time in the following months, I will publish one or more of these meditations in my Spiritual Food.

In the Spiritual Food 1501, 1502 and 1503 I wrote about my experience of the devastation due to the disobedience by the three founders of the Neocatecumenal Way, to not follow faithfully and exactly the liturgical books of the Catholic Church for the whole Church, as Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI had asked the three founders of the Neocatecumenal Way to do.

So many in the Neocatecumenal Way feel more and more important before people as if they know better how to offer the solutions for the Church and the world than Pope John Paul II or Pope Benedict. The more time passes in celebrating the Mass not in conformity to the liturgical books of the Church the more the Mass becomes something that exists to serve the Community and the people instead of an opportunity, a gift to be able to fulfill our first obligation to our Creator expressed in the First Commandment: “You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve” (Mt 4:10; Deut 6:13; Mk 8:33). The three founders of the Neocatecumenal Way, Kiko Argüello, Carmen Hernandez and Father Mario Pezzi, in their letter to the Pope on January 17, 2006, did not obey the letter (December 1, 2005) in which were articulated the directives of the Pope. In effect, the three founders of the Neocatecumenal Way expressed that they know better than the Vicar of Christ on earth what is best for souls and for the Church!

The manipulative maneuvers within the Vatican, just before Pope Benedict was to meet with the neocatecumenals on January 20, 2012, shows just how much power the Neocatecumenal Way has and how obstinate they are in not trusting in God through His first representative, the Pope, but trusting in themselves! God works through the humble not the proud! New members of the Neocatecumenale Way are not guilty of this great lack of trust in God, but without knowing it, they slowly slide toward the cult of man instead of going toward the cult of God since the leaders of the Neocatecumenale Way refused the guidance of God by way of the guidance of Holy Mother Church! Thus, as the years pass in this type of formation, especially regarding the way the Holy Mass if celebrated, these members become more and more imbued with this same spirit of which Jesus referred to in His prayer to the Father: “I thank Thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that Thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babes” (Mt 11:25; Lk 10:21).

Pope Benedict XVI, in the General Audience in Saint Peter's Square, Wednesday, 3 October 2012, told us:
Dear friends, the Church becomes visible in many ways: in charitable action, in mission projects, in the personal apostolate that every Christian must carry out in his own walk of life. However the place in which she is fully experienced as Church is in the liturgy; it is the act in which we believe that God enters our reality and we can encounter him, we can touch him. It is the act in which we come into contact with God: he comes to us and we are illuminated by him. For this reason, when in reflections on the liturgy we focus our attention exclusively on how to make it attractive, interesting and beautiful, we risk forgetting the essential: the liturgy is celebrated for God and not for ourselves; it is his work; he is the subject; and we must open ourselves to him and let ourselves be guided by him and by his Body which is the Church” (

The following was the keynote address at “TIME DRAWN INTO ETERNITY: Sacred Time and the Liturgical Calendar”, a conference held by the “Te Deum Institute of Sacred Liturgy”, Diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The Titular Bishop of Manaccenser and Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne, Most Rev. Peter J. Elliott, MA Oxon, MA Melb, STD, tells us:
Our Pope (Benedict) invites us to see the glory of Christ Priest and Victim in the liturgy. He leads us into this glory, above all by his own example of a priest humbly entering the divine mysteries of the altar. By word and demeanor he reminds us that liturgy is a gift to be received in humility, not something we construct for ourselves, not a fabrication. Here he strongly rejects a decadent style of liturgy that set in soon after Vatican II. That style was contrived to be a deliberate break with the past.”
“Time opens a door into the cosmic dimension of liturgy. The Pope, as Cardinal Ratzinger, expounded a cosmological vision of worship. He insisted that the liturgy of the Church is not just the product of human cultures. Rather, liturgy intersects time and space, history and the cosmos, because creation is healed through the redeeming love of Christ. The Paschal Mystery of our Lord and Savior can never be separated from his Body, worshipping in this material universe through the liturgy yet worshipping in the glory of eternity, magnificently expressed at the Second Vatican Council in Sacrosanctum Concilium 8: “In the earthly liturgy we take part in a foretaste of the heavenly liturgy….”.”
In Milestones, Memoirs 1927-1977, the short autobiography that covers the first fifty years of his life, our Holy Father Pope Benedict explains how his love of the liturgy began when he was a boy. “Naturally the child I then was did not grasp every aspect of this, but I started down the road of the liturgy, and this became a continuous process of growth into a grand reality transcending all particular individuals and generations, a reality that became an occasion for me of ever-new amazement and discovery. The incredible reality of the Catholic liturgy has accompanied me through all phases of life, and so I shall have to speak of it time and again.”
“Cardinal Ratzinger’s critique of liturgical discontinuity rested on the conviction that authentic liturgical development is always organic. This understanding was favored by the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council in Sacrosanctum Concilium. But changes that followed the Council were not always organic. As he bluntly put it, organic growth was replaced, “…as in a manufacturing process, with a fabrication, an on the spot banal product.”
“Change in liturgy should not be concocted by committees or individuals or produced by experiments. That undermines the foundation of liturgical continuity - that liturgy is a gift, from God, through the Church. Yet he is frank about past problems, comparing the liturgy to an endangered fresco preserved by whitewash, which was stripped away, only to be “endangered by climatic conditions as well as by various restorations and reconstructions”.”

Benedict XVI and liturgical reform; Dom Alcuin Reid, OSB:
As he (Pope Benedict) so eloquently explained as Cardinal: "If the Liturgy appears first of all as the workshop for our activity, then what is essential is being forgotten: God. For the Liturgy is not about us, but about God. Forgetting about God is the most imminent danger of our age. As against this, the Liturgy should be setting up a sign of God's presence.”
"Yet what is happening, if the habit of forgetting about God makes itself at home in the Liturgy itself, and if in the Liturgy we are only thinking of ourselves? In any and every liturgical reform, and every liturgical celebration, the primacy of God should be kept in view first and foremost."
Commentators have remarked on Benedict XVI's courtesy and humility. These, and his profound love of the Church, mean that he will take seriously the words he wrote not twelve months ago: "The Pope is not an absolute monarch whose will is law, but is the guardian of the authentic Tradition, and thereby the premier guarantor of obedience. He cannot do as he likes, and is thereby able to oppose those people who for their part want to do what has come into their head. His rule is not that of arbitrary power, but that of obedience in faith."
Pope Benedict XVI will not act beyond his competence in respect of the Sacred Liturgy, but he will act, for he is convinced that, as he wrote in 1997, "the true celebration of the Sacred Liturgy is the centre of any renewal of the Church whatever."

One finds in “Spiritual Food 1507” the words of Our Blessed Mother revealed to Don Stefano Gobbi:
"It is lack of discipline to disregard with ease the norms which the Church has laid down for the regulation of liturgical and ecclesiasticl life. Today each one tends to direct himself according to his own tastes or free choice, and with what scandalous facility are violated the norms of the Church…” (February 2, 1979)

In the meditation below one finds these words:
In the face of this reality, the denouncement by Fr. Gobbi regarding error that is taught as truth on the great silence and omission on the part of some Ecclesiastical authorities in the face of liturgical and doctrinal abuses, seems to be timely and reflect a weak side and debility of some members of' the Hierarchy who lack a spirit of true communion with the Holy Father, and with the teaching of the authentic Magisterium of the Church, and apostolic zeal for the defense of the faith.
There are messages that affirm the influx of Freemasonry among the members of the Hierarchy. From this group will emerge an element that will through corruption take over power of the Church and abolish the sacrificial character of the Holy Mass. This man will act as an antichrist who will draw Protestant teaching into the heart of the Catholic Church. Protestantism denies the sacrificial value of the Eucharistic Celebration and recognizes only the convivial aspect of the Last Supper.
If on the one hand this assertion may seem strong or exaggerated, on the other hand, it seems to be evident that the actual fact referred to by a Salesian priest, a missionary in the State of Amazonas in Brazil, regarding the archbishop of the capital of that state, which decreed the prohibition of the Holy Mass in the parishes on the outskirts of the city on the second Sundays of each month, in order to encourage the celebration of the Word presided over by religious and lay faithful. Would this not be a subtle way to create doubt among believers between the most important value of the Holy Mass and the celebration of the Word, and would this not be a form of protestantization of the Church's teaching on the Eucharist?

Spiritual Food 1508:

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Visit also:
The Subtle and Powerful Attack on the Eucharist

The Progressive Protestantization of the Catholic Mass